Games you want remade?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hello, recently I took a large "gaming marathon", playing through all the old games(mid-90s and earlier for me, albeit a few late 90:s aswell).
And I came to think of how many of these could become even better with todays technology etc.

So, do you have any particular old games that you'd like to see remade for a modern platform?:)

Here's mine.

Twilight 2000(DOS, great open-ended post-apocalyptic strategy/RPG hybrid)

X-Com UFO Defense(Need I say more?)

Sid Meier's "Covert Action"(I really can't seem to find any game even remotely similiar to this open-ended spy game with a randomly generated plot and "levels" etc.)

And last, Sword of the Samurai.:)

Now list yours!:D
Umm... Elite.

That space game people were talking about in the x3 thread.

I never played the game, and when trying it, I couldnt even know where to start. I hate games with such outdated graphics that its impossible to know whats going on.

So many other games, too. I'd have to think on it.
John, OFP with modern graphics is pretty much in the works, it's called "Armed Assault", sadly right now it looks like the sequel to OFP won't be released as OFP2, seeing as Bohemia are being refused the rights to the name by Codemasters.:)

Also Raziaar, Elite 4 is according to the devs in the works but it has been that way since like 1998, but hopefully they will actually pull through and release it, otherwise I'll have to kill'em, because I hate vapourware.
They aint that old, but would be good to see a remake of:

System Shock 1 & 2 / mainly 2
Resident Evil 1 / also swithed from 3rd to 1st person:naughty:
Yea Sparks...

System Shock 2: source :D

I haven't even played SS1 actually...
I remember a pong remake on the PS1, with 3D graphics and penguins and shiet, seriously!:p
Syndicate - an old favourite.

Bushido Blade - the most bad ass fighter ever made. A proper sequal on next gen hardware would be superb.

No Mercy - easily the best wrestling game around, and up there with the greatest beat-em-ups.
Gargantou said:
I remember a pong remake on the PS1, with 3D graphics and penguins and shiet, seriously!:p
Reminds me of some 3D arkanoid shit, really cool :D

I think it was called Outbreak or something

Sod it, I'll make all the maps by my self on source.

Anyone want to code/model/animate/get sued?

*Hides from Angry Lawyer.
Final Fantasy 6 and 7 on the Xbox 360 / PC :(

Fallout! D:

and Deus Ex doesn't look crap enough for a remake. It's still fun to play right now!
Gargantou said:
X-Com UFO Defense(Need I say more?)

Oh absolutely, I loved the endgame in Xcom: landing at a ufo crashed site, deploying a tank, then a dozen troopers all armed with the blaster launcher and nuking the hell out of the town :LOL: Sometimes I'd just spend hours obliterating towns trying the craziest paths for the blaster rockets. Terror from the deep wasn't bad either by the way.
System Shock 2
Deus Ex
Full Throttle - just better graphics, the gameplay is perfect
XCOM UFO Defense
Pilot Wings
Buck Bumble
Operation Flashpoint
Xwing vs Tie Fighter -or- Wing Commander

Carrier Command
Deus Ex
Soinc on the Mega Drive, the GBA versions are crap IMO
Half-Life 1-in progress!*explodes from excitement*
Fishlore said:
Pilot Wings

I think we'll be getting that on the Revolution. Just thinking about that makes me smile :)
Noooo, DX:IW is perfect, stay away from it you bastards.

Anyway as far as old games go

Policenauts, there still aren't any english versions of it
Snatcher, could be nice for teh DS
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Freespace 2
Trax (Thinking of speedrunning this game)
Warbie said:
I think we'll be getting that on the Revolution. Just thinking about that makes me smile :)

God I hope you're right. I love those games very much. The thought of a Revolution version is quite tantalizing to say the least. The one Rev demo I read about was talking about flying an airplane, hopefully that means something with regards to PW.
Shenmue: source... Shenmue in first person on the source engine... it was actually going to happen as a mod, but never took off :(
I'd like to play FF7 in next-gen graphics... but i like it the way it is :)
loom, or make the goddamn sequels! ><
transport tycoon
freagile alleigence
Games that for years I have been dreaming of a remake with todays technology:

Chase HQ -Arcade (although driving a cop car and doing the cop missions in Grand theft auto was probably the closest i'll see)
Dungeon Master - Amiga / Atari ST
Archon - Atari 600/800 , Commedore 64 , PC
Streets of Rage -sega genesis
Comix Zone - sega genesis
Super Conflict - SNES
Punch-Out NES cartoon boxing. sweet
Shenmue Yes. this is a ****ing awesome game. give me 2006 graphics
Ren.182 said:
Shenmue: source... Shenmue in first person on the source engine... it was actually going to happen as a mod, but never took off :(
I'd like to play FF7 in next-gen graphics... but i like it the way it is :)
Same here, a Shenmue from a FPV just wouldn't feel right imo.
Grey Fox said:
Noooo, DX:IW is perfect, stay away from it you bastards.



System shock 2
Deus ex
Syphon Filter!
My main choices would be games that didn't do well or had good concepts but weren't that great. Why? Because if there were a remake of big games that were great, it just wouldn't have the same impact as when I first played it. For some, a sequel might be better than a remake.

Blast Chamber
Omega Boost

There are a bunch more that I can't think of now too.