

Aug 1, 2003
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yo, for all u people making mods or maybe u are new to making mods and wanna learn a 3d program, there is a tool that has just comes out called gameSPACE. Its a 3d program that is specially made for making game models and also animation skinning etc... Unlike some peaces of software which are made for certain things i.e. houdini is made for proffessional movie making quality etc... I havn't tryed it and don't think you can get a demo. But its only 299 USD which is about 220 UKP for me. I just thought I would let you all know about it. To say its specially made for making mods and games then it could actually be good. I might have to get it and see what its like. If you have used it could you please comment, i wanna see what its like. Looking at the site:

then it looks pritty dam good.

There is also a PDF which outlines the comparasons between gameSPACE and 3dsmax, that should be a good read. I havn't read it my self. But it looks pritty interesting to see what they say about why we should use gameSPACE instead of 3dsmax:

anyone with any info at all on it or maybe just your thoughts on the subject post away. The program looks pritty promassing to me tbh :D
Looks kinda intresting. Any blokes get it let us know what its like :)

Hmm free trial copy on that site as well

Hope its not like XSi with the water marks and all that shite.!
ye I just been watching some video tutorial of it. Its weird. The interface is basiclly 4 veiw ports like most 3d programs and then if don't have like a top menu bar or anything. Most of it is at the bottom and it only has file and help. Thats it. The rest of of things are all done in individual icons. Even changing from mode to mode is done by icons, like in 3dsmax if u wanted to weld a polgon u would click on a text button. In gameSPACE it has its own icon. I supose when you get used to it it could really make work flow faster. One of the really interesting things I spoted was that it has a mode where u can edit verts faces and edges allo in one. Unlike 3dsmax where you are having to change from one to another. The program its self looks a bit unproffesional compared to other programs like 3dsmax and xsi. Its kinda like maya but looks a bit crapper (not in capabilitys but as in quality of icons etc... eye candy of the work station thingy basiclly)
It's a cut-down version of TrueSpace - I used to use it a few years ago.
hmmm, any good? its suposed to be really easy to do all the skeleton work for your models and skinning and getting into a games engine. Dunno. Just been reading stuff.
Originally posted by IchI
hmmm, any good? its suposed to be really easy to do all the skeleton work for your models and skinning and getting into a games engine. Dunno. Just been reading stuff.

Personally, I'd avoid it. BUT thats cause i've come from the high end software and so it might be just fine for doing game models. However truespace models are known to have lots of wasted polys turn up when converting to other formats so thats probably something to keep an eye on. Though maybe this cut down and newer versions don't have that problem. Also plugins or scripts might be rare for it, I've known a few users of truespace who've had to do without some things because nobody was willing or able to program versions of other apps addons

End of the day I guess its down to personal choice, give it a go, if you like it use it, if not don't. Even if it isn't well supported there's almost always a way around things no matter what they are. So you've nothing to lose from trying, really. Never know, it could be really good now.

There are free legal versions of the earlier versions of truespace available these days, I think on coverdisks and stuff, was one recently too even, some PC magazine, Digital Art or something like that, not clear on the name as I don't read them anymore, truespace usually turns up on those, cheap legit way of testing that sort of program anyways. Infact I think I've got v1 floating about somewhere going unused.
ye thats one thing it has shit loads of. I am not sure on this but i think they have updates so that you can export new gaming formats. Its suposed to be made actually for gaming so I can't really see it not having good triangles conversaion features. Infact I can proberly see it having better features but also crapper features than your every day 3d program. I use 3dsmax and I am comfertable with it. Its just I was posting here to inform people with about it. Maybe it could give them an advantage with its simplisitic flow and look. We see loads of new modellers in this forum quiet a bit and this would proberly be a perfect starting program for them 1. its cheap. 2. its very easy to export and skin objects.

I don't know about what qualiity it produces but I have watched about 2 hours of tutorials made for it (3dbuzz, this is where I first saw it) and it looks pritty good. Its obviasly not gunna be good for high polgon modelling but you can produce some quality models with it. It also seems a lot more easier and simple to handle for a new person. Rather than having all these complex tool bars and anoying text everywhere they just have simple icons everywhere each icon is alocated into sections and on each icon it shows u what this button will do. Its proberly pefect for a newbie tbh.