Gamespot/EB Games offering $100 off PS3


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
If you trade in your PS2 with an extra controller and a memory card, you will receive $100 credit towards a PS3.

It sounds like a good deal. I mean $499 for the fully loaded version. It is unheard of for a system to have such a deal so early in its lifespan. Consumers are going to start giving these away for free soon enough.
I'd rather buy 2 Wii's although I dont like console games...
If you trade in your PS2 with an extra controller and a memory card, you will receive $100 credit towards a PS3.

Trade in the far superior console?

Are you fucking crazy?
I've got a Wii and a 360 ... i'd rather spend 500 on PC upgrades rather than buying a PS3. It's worthless.
I've not read the reviews, is it really that bad?
My Ps2 is far too valuable to sell for a mere Ps3.
I mean come on! Guitar Hero!
There is a lot of awesome stuff you could do with $500 and a PS2 that would be much better than a PS3, or 600 somethin for selling the PS2 also. For example:

1. You could do something nice for the girl or get a girl.
2. Upgrade your PC, since 2007 PC games are looking mighty tasty and your PC is actually useful beyond gaming, unlike a PS3.
3. You could eat. This is assuming you aren't some sort of millionaire that can manage to afford food AND a PS3!!
4. Intelligently invest said 500-600 dollars, and wait. (would take a long bit of waiting)
5. Buy 500 dollars of good games for your PS2
6. Conserve the 500 dollars until one of the three "next-gen" consoles is actually good.
7. Buy those great new releases on PC that you missed out on because you were saving for the PS3. Company of Heroes, Medieval 2, Episode 1, BF2142 if that floats your boat, Oblivion perhaps... the list goes on.
8. Buy a mix pack of goodies: a dozen books (forum members can recommend good ones), one PC upgrade such as a stick of RAM, small gift for girl, etc
9. Go out for a night with your mates, all on you. This may or may not be hazardous for your health. If you don't sell the PS2 you can play it all night.
10. Donate the money to a reputable charity.
11. Give the money to me.
12. Put it in your policeman bribing fund.
13. Buy a shit load of music. If you happen to be one of the few who does so.
14. Take care of a few things on your "Things to do before I die list."
15. Actually buy everything pirated still on your computer.
16. In stark contrast to #15, donate the money to the Pirate Bay's Buy Sealand(or an island) fund.

I was going to make this list epic, instead of merely long, but I'm really, really thirsty.
When PS2 was nearing the end of it's lifespan I told myself I'd get a PS3 so I can play my PS2 games.

Ever since PS3s release, heck before then, I have been just kicking my own ass for not getting a PS2 a long time ago.

No, it's just popular here to bash PS3 / Sony...

We are the intelligent non-fanboy part of the internet. Its better here. Most of us here loved the PS2. I would say PS2 is still one of the best systems. In fact, im pretty sure that the PS2 console sold better this xmas than the PS3, XB360, and the wii.

Its just that Sony has made *a lot* of stupid mistakes, dumb remarks, and retarded decisions recently. They deserve to be called out on them. We're just being concerned consumers here, and want to see Sony recognize their mistakes and fix them next time around.
We are the intelligent non-fanboy part of the internet. Its better here. Most of us here loved the PS2. I would say PS2 is still one of the best systems. In fact, im pretty sure that the PS2 console sold better this xmas than the PS3, XB360, and the wii.

Its just that Sony has made *a lot* of stupid mistakes, dumb remarks, and retarded decisions recently. They deserve to be called out on them. We're just being concerned consumers here, and want to see Sony recognize their mistakes and fix them next time around.
What the jolly pooch said, **** Sony.
If you trade in your PS2 with an extra controller and a memory card, you will receive $100 credit towards a PS3.

It sounds like a good deal. I mean $499 for the fully loaded version. It is unheard of for a system to have such a deal so early in its lifespan. Consumers are going to start giving these away for free soon enough.

Ummmmm..... You'd be better off selling your PS2 on ebay, or to me. Oh well, I'm sure they'll get plenty of suckers!
Still costs $500..which is $100 more than a 360 (or if you get lucky like me and find a deal, $200 more)
Heh, my bro is all over the PS2 because of Guitar Hero, too.