GameStation owns your soul


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
"GameStation has today revealed that it legally owns the souls of thousands of customers, thanks to a clause it secretly added to the online terms and conditions for the official GameStation website.

The "Immortal Soul Clause" was added as part of an attempt to highlight how few customers read the terms and conditions of an online sale. GameStation claims that 88 percent of customers did not read the clause, which gives legal ownership of the customer's soul over to the UK-based games retailer.

haha cant wait for armaggeddon. you souless guys are screwed ...oh wait

The remaining 12 percent of customers however did notice the clause and clicked the relevant opt-out box, netting themselves a £5 GBP gift voucher in the process. "
shouldn't surprise anyone. License agreements are too long for any sane human being to read top to bottom. How many people actually read the enitre EULA before registering on these forums?
I never read those. **** those.
The funny part one has souls! lol
They can have mine. It's probably full of holes and stains.
Mine has lost so much value over the years it's probably more costly to own and maintain it than to not have it.
12% actually read it? That seems like a large percent of people who actually gave a ****.
12% actually read it? That seems like a large percent of people who actually gave a ****.

Some people probably posted about it before their polling period ended and spread the word about the free stuff or something.
I usually skim over them, looking for obvious trickery. I'm a bit paranoid, I guess. I'm just afraid I'm going to accidentally give away my soul or something.
Blizzard makes you atleast scroll down the page by hiding the "ok" button until you reach a certain spot.
Blizzard makes you atleast scroll down the page by hiding the "ok" button until you reach a certain spot.


Why am I yelling.