Gaming being noticed in more media.


Oct 17, 2003
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I got my latest issue of Newsweek and I found two stories dealing with games. One was two pages in length concerning the shrinking Japanese gaming market and the other came immediately after with one full page discussing onling MMORPG items being sold for real world cash. The latest news bit on is about the BBC discussing CS:S.

For a while now I've noticed games being noticed more and more in both television and magazine news/entertainment outlets. Stuff, Playboy, Newsweek, and other publications all are having more room dedicated to gaming in a positive or serious way. Used to it was only about Doom and violence and sensationalizing stories with little basis. But more and more I've noticed gaming being discussed seriously as a powerful artistic and commercial medium.
Yeah, its deffinately leaking into the mainstream. A lot of kids are brought up on games nowadays, and the people who consider it geeky, or bellow them are a dying breed.
Why are you reading playboy?
You have the internet...
This does seem to be the trend. It really started with the original Playstation IMO.
:thumbs: You know when something is risin' up, when you see a show with rap pimps in relation to the thing. Like, "Players" which G4 introduced; Hollywood stars playing videogames, but first before that they show off their crib. Yep, that's the kind of bullshit you see...
Sprafa said:
True, but I'd like to have grandchildren.

In Sims 2 :p

Well, you'd better hurry up before it's too late. You never know when someone's going to trap you in the pool.