Gaming can make a better world

Dear world,

The phrases 'lol', epic win, for the win, pwn, l33t, and other such common internet phrases have absolutely no business in everyday speech. Please stop trying to sound computer savvy.

Thank you,

Everyone else.
*imaginates the world as a tipical online deathmatch game and people behaving as people do in online deathmatchgames*

no thank you
i haven't done my share of the teabagging yet.
interesting perspective, also one more reason why gaming rocks!
l33t speak is a perfect example of how gameing have made the world a shitty place.
A terrible, shitty place.
*imaginates the world as a tipical online deathmatch game and people behaving as people do in online deathmatchgames*

no thank you

*Teabagging the pile of corpses you have left on the floor*

lol, baiting.

I'm kinda interested, but I don't think I can listen to someone saying "epic win" multiple times without punching something.

Someone make a bullet point list of how gaming can make a better world for me. Whoever does it will be made of epic win.