Gaming Events experience

Nov 22, 2004
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I was trying to remeber if it was true that E3 got shut down? I seem to remember someone on here saying, "It'll just come back with another name and different sponsors." which I belive to be true.

Anyway, my thoughts on this began when a guy I started working with here in Columbia, MO told me about how he went to Quakecon and got lots of free stuff! Some of which could have been stuff like vid cards and sound cards! Stuff I would never imagine sponsors giving away! A 7800 for free! WTF?! Anyway, sounds like Quakecon is a long way off...anything else coming up soon? IF not, anyone wanna let me stay at their place while I attend Quakecon next year? Never been to one of these.
I believe all they did to E3 was shrink it.

I've never been to a gaming event, unfortunately.
Too far away.
I've been to many LAN Parties, but never anything that had to do with games that was important.
I went to ECTS 2001. It was pretty crappy, and the sandwiches were almost inedible.
No doubt E3 is in a different league, though.