Gaming has reached a new low

PC gamer U.S. gave that game a whopping 7 percent... and the review was funny as hell. Honestly it's rare a game comes around that is this shitty, they are reviewing it for a reason; It's comically shitty.

Translation: so bad, it's worth a mention
Wow, that's even worse than Deer Hunter, I didn;t quite think that was possible, kudos to the design team, they did a helluva job
I remember seeing a review of a game in PC Powerplay that gave it 7%, and only that because it was bundled with a Virus Checker :D

Edit - AHAHAHA, that's brilliant. And look at the reader average :D
Lmfao, theres always those really realyl low end games that come out once in a while.
babyheadcrab said:
PC gamer U.S. gave that game a whopping 7 percent... and the review was funny as hell. Honestly it's rare a game comes around that is this shitty, they are reviewing it for a reason; It's comically shitty.

Translation: so bad, it's worth a mention
That means it's STILL better than Xtreme Paintball, which PC Gamer gave a 6% like 6 years ago.
Kommie said:
What did postal(1 or 2) get?

PC Gamer? I think they gave Postal 2 an 80 something. Which is pretty good and accurate in my opinion.
That just bland, damn that National Rifle Association
Postal 2 was pretty fun for about a week.

I mean that in a good way, because in a was Half-Life 2.

But HL2 had a lot of replay value..but I'm just saying...FPS games never last anymore.
That's hilarious. I wonder how many copies that game will sell...maybe gamers will now buy the game just so see how crappy it is, and it'll end up selling millions of copies
lazicsavo said:
Wow, January must have been a very slow month for IGN to pick this game to review. A must buy.
Thats nothing, there's a game in production that puts you in the middle of disasters like 9/11 (and I imagine the tsunami now), where you can either save people or loot and kill for your own ends.

It hasn't got a publisher so far, thank god.
ummno said:
I think the devs are suicidal.

Nah, I don't think so. In order to get this game developed they must have just sat a load of chimps infront of computers and asked them to program in return for bananas. I don't think any self-respecting human being would develop such a game!
Heh, go figure. I was convinced we hit a new low around when JFK Reloaded came out :D
stigmata said:
Heh, go figure. I was convinced we hit a new low around when JFK Reloaded came out :D
Awww! Awww! Are you SERIOUS!?! Awww!

*commences vomiting*
gh0st said:
HAHA! What the hell is that thing!?

I actually found this game at the store where I work, so I picked it up for 10 dollars (with discount). Its really kind of fun.

omg I sincerily hope your jokeing, you paid 10 dollars for varmit hunter .... ;(
babyheadcrab said:
omg I sincerily hope your jokeing, you paid 10 dollars for varmit hunter .... ;(
Well worth the 10 dollars. Hell, I'd pay 12.
I can only imagine what went on in the developer meetings of this game...

actually, I rather not...
MarcoPolo said:
I can only imagine what went on in the developer meetings of this game...

actually, I rather not...
The same thing that goes on at any "Deer Hunter" developer meeting.

-"Hey, guys! Let's make a game that will make us a bunch of money, and have extremely low overhead by sacrificing quality!"

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
-"Hey, guys! Let's make a game that will make us a bunch of money...

Not alot of forethought, then.
Bad^Hat said:
Not alot of forethought, then.
Are you kidding? The Deer Hunter games are some of the highest grossing games out there, if not the highest.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Are you kidding? The Deer Hunter games are some of the highest grossing games out there, if not the highest.
Stop it.

Seriously. You're scaring me.
Deer Hunter and Barbie series - IIRC they sell far better than any big title any of us could think of.

we're doomed. there's no future for videogames.
Deer Hunter and Barbie series - IIRC they sell far better than any big title any of us could think of.

we're doomed. there's no future for videogames.
*Sits down and cries*
Funny as hell - its actually great reading the reviews of VERY poorly rated games... Laughing for weeks...
I'm afriad it's absolutely true. The biggest selling game in the US is the Deer Hunter series, because everybody except the gamers buy it. People who haven't even heard of Half-Life it buy it, all over the country.

BUT! There is one good hunting game! Yes, it's true! It's called Carnivores 2 and instead of offering you the chance of hunting poor defenceless deer on bland landscapes with high-powered weaponry, it keeps the guns, replaces those bleak fields with lush jungle landscapes and replaces all the cute, harmless deer with evil, violent, dinosaurs! My little brother imported it from America and I've become addicted. I still haven't taken down a T-Rex have to shoot them in the eye...

That means it's STILL better than Xtreme Paintball, which PC Gamer gave a 6% like 6 years ago.

Which means it's STILL better than Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, which I believe got 2%. There was another game that got N/A, because they refused to accept that it was in a finished state and refused to mark it.