listen they done a test a while back in a pc mag to find the best gaming os out there and win2k won buy a hell of a stretch but gaming os not as far as i know and if ya could get the xbox os on to a pc we would have stable xbox emulation by now wouldnt we
never looked into it myself, just tweak the services and msconfig etc etc in winXP myself, but here is something interesting:
and win2k was good, but newest tests show winXP to be a tiny bit better than win2k regardless of service pack
na i think the idea of win2k being better is the fact that there is less stress on ya machine to even run just os leaving more ram etc for the games the only reason 98 and stuff whernt good enough was purely for there age they didnt stress ya machine but they wasnt exactly prime candidates as a comfortable os these days xp is simply to prety and to damn memory hungry for my liking and if ya think that is bad wait till longhorn gets here ive had a beta copy my friend got ahold of for me and i tell ya 512 mb of ram didnt cut it especialy when trying to run apps and shit aswell and that was the version that uses xp as a base program when the finel release is here they will have done away with xp base and writen its own working structure.
but as for the xp lite thingy looks intresting i might have to look into that.
Well for most games it would have to be a Windows OS. Most games won't run at all in *nix. Or they are a bastard to get running. So basically you want a toned down stable windows version. There is something I found (google it) where you can set up a hardware profile for gaming, so it only loads gaming drivers, not things like digi-cams etc. Only the stuff you need. Which will boost performance somewhat. Or you could do what I do and use task manager to kill the stuff that is safe to kill Including explorer.