Gaming question for gameheads (HL related)


Oct 6, 2003
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I'm doing an article about HL²and the Source engine, and I'm trying to recall if there was any game that used a similiar approach of immersion and inframe storytelling as the original Half-Life prior to it's appearance.

I'm pretty sure Doom has some out of game plot exposition going on to it, and so did the original system shock. However I'm sure that some of you more experienced gameheads might be able to shed some light.
Can't really think of any, and that's probably why it was such a big hit. But then again, I'm not a particular big gaming head :-)
Champ said:
Can't really think of any, and that's probably why it was such a big hit. But then again, I'm not a particular big gaming head :-)

Well that's the main gist of why I'm asking. There might of been some hidden gem of a game out there that never caught the eye before Half-Life.


Hexen 2, LOL. I remember that (I can't recall if it actually had a plot though :dozey:)I'll do some research, thx.
This is more about other games than HL really isn't it.. atleast the question you want answered in this case is. *moved*.
I never really played H2.
One guy told me he had a blast knowing the «secrets» so I think it has a plot (not very good)
Hexen 2...Immersive plot...No, i just can't see it for some reason.

I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but i'm sure i remember there being something. What about Pre 3D FPS, does that count?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Hexen 2...Immersive plot...No, i just can't see it for some reason.

I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but i'm sure i remember there being something. What about Pre 3D FPS, does that count?

I was sticking to the idea of ingame and inframe from the viewpoint of immersion, so it's only 3D.
Jedi Knight : Dark Forces reportedly has a great Sith/Jedi plot.
I don't know any more.
i think the one game that was presented as doing everything we hope to see from Half Life 2 originally was Red Faction. Just a shame it was wank
heh I was looking for pre half-life game, but I think i'm just going to assume that there weren't any in my article (and no doubt get lynched as a result by some rapid obscure game fan:rolleyes:)
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces was great indeed... Dont remember the story telling style though. All I know is that it was very immersive.
hmm I thought it came out after half-life?

I think it had cutscenes also (which discounts it)
it was called Dark Forces, it never had the name 'Jedi Knight' attached to it, that was only when the sequel came along.

System Shock and System Shock 2 were just as immersive, if not more than HL. Thief was also a very immersive game with a half decent storyline. well, basically, any game from Looking Glass from the past 10 years or so, they were all great :)
Honestly, the only game that ever grasped MY attention before HL was..

Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, 3D, first person.. playable online. I used to play it every day up until I got HL/CS. It runs on just about everything (even ran flawlessly on my P133, 16MB EDO RAM with a 16MB video card)

I played through half of the singleplayer, which every moment I loved. Then, I started playing online, as there were tons and tons of mods for it. I was displeased with Dark Forces II's sequel, nothing captured the feeling that Dark Forces II had for me.
Was System Shock 2 before or after HL? That one had a really good story, as did the original. Dark Forces was great, I played it a lot when it was new. I never played Dark Forces 2 though, wish I had. Descent: Freespace was a '98 3D space sim that had a great story. Doom and the Quakes had sucky stories, though.
yep, System Shock 2 was before HL.

also just thought of another one, the Ultima Series, or more specifically Ultima VII and VIII. both were great and in first person. for those who don't know what Ultima is/was, it was a first person RPG. two installments in the series were worked on by Warren Spector no less.
No, System Shock 2 was just after Half Life, but not by much I think (a few months).

Mr Spector has produced some fine games in his time that is for sure though.
yep you're right about SS2. dunno why i thought it was before.

anyway how's the article coming along?
Dedalus said:
anyway how's the article coming along?

Slowly, I've been doing a lot of research over the last week and a bit, and it's safe to say that I've pretty much read and seen everything Valve have ever shown or said in relation to HL² and the Source engine to the point my eyes bled lambda shaped tears. :x

Now I'm in the write up stage, but there is a lot to cover and I want to avoid making it too high brow a discourse (which isn't an easy thing given words like immersion and liminal). I had an idea in my head when I started as to how I wanted it to go, but since I've been writing its become clear to me that there is a lot to cover, and I want to do the subject justice (and make an entertaining read).

ETA 'when its done' :rolleyes:
heh, i can imagine how it's like. good luck with it, let us know when you have a draft or something, i wouldn't mind giving it a read.
I remember Ultima Underworld as being very immersive and playable. Strangely so, for a game of its level of technology...
............ Wolfenstein 3d, whats more immersive that killing 2d nazis :D