Gaming's New Drug Culture: Sex, Drugs and Counter-Strike


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Taken from,;
"Many gamers, whether they're aspiring professionals or amateurs who enjoy displaying their talents in front of an audience, will load up on Red Bull, Rockstar, Monster and other popular energy drinks loaded with caffeine, sugar, and various stimulants.

But if you look harder at some of these events, you may find something else that gamers are using to stave off fatigue: Ritalin. The prescription medication - generic name methylphenidate - is a potent stimulant commonly used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome. Despite the fact that Ritalin and similar drugs are used to calm people with ADHD and improve their concentration, the drug is actually a powerful stimulant. It is so potent, in fact, that the U.S. federal government identifies methylphenidate as a Schedule II narcotic, grouping it with opium, cocaine, PCP, and Oxycontin."

Sad people need drugs to enchance their 1337 skillz... mine are 1337 enough already without doping up. :P

What do you guys think? Is this our new Drug Culture? Will LAN parties be the new drug underground?! Will gaming geeks and nerds be the new world druglords?! :rolling:
Well, all LAN partys i have been to has only 2 types of drugs. Coke and pepsi...FULL of it. When the LAN is done there is like hundrenths of bottels everywhere.

Coke-gamers friend!
I await the scandal, many years from now when gaming becomes a televised sport (*pfft* hahahaha...ahem, sorry) and LANers are getting tested for ritalin.

"You took it before you aced that round in CS:S, didn't you, Johnny? You're outta here for good!"
Why would CS:S ever be televised?
1.6 is far more appropiate for cyberathletics.
Sad as it is, I would rather watch a good CS match or WoW Battleground on TV than any sport...
To be honest, people who use drugs to get better at games are just completely pathetic and need to realize that they are well and truely wasting their lives. Games are a hobby, something to do in free time, they are an inspiration and great topic to talk about with friends, but using is just abusing it completely. Those people need a doctor tbh...
well they aren't exactly hardcore drugs. personally i just think it's incredibly sad that games are THAT important to some people. i haven't played games for about a week now, i kind of play them in little bursts. instead i've been to a music festival, a gig, clubbing, a carnival and i'm going to karaoke tonight!! last night i got really drunk and sung gangsters paradise... i lose at life...
oh wait your that guy with the amazing life who has had thousands of girlfriends aren't you
yeah that's me, good to meet you.

by the way people any questions about my fine self and/or hero worship should be put in a PM.

shift feel free to start up a rambler appreciation thread.