Garry's Mod 8.4 Info


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
In Garry's Mod, you can already create just about anything you can conceive; from war scenes erupting before your eyes, to speeding vehicles built from scratch, or even a fortress made from household objects. However Version 8.4, currently in it's Beta stages, is going to take Gmod to the next level. You're going to make games.[br]
8.4 introduces LUA scripting. What this means is that people can make their own game modes and addon scripts that wouldn't be possible with just mapping. Things like as adding your own console commands, round timers, respawning players, setting player speed, spawning entities dynamically.[br]
During the beta some of the testers have made new game modes. A predator style game similar to The Hidden, a simple tag game, a freeze tag game and some kind of crazy bullet chasing game.


[br]The screenshots displayed above are actually from a game mode, made in Garry's Mod, called "Barrel Mania"- where everyone spawns as a barrel. They can only use crowbars to kill each other, and seeing as there's no way to tell the players apart from the lethal explosives, you have t be extra careful. It’s an example of just what kind of creative scope 8.4 will allow.[br]

To check out the Garry's Mod site, click here.
lol, that looks like alot of fun! Is it easy to use when you have none to little programming experience? I sure hope so, hehe.
omg garry has really stepped over the line here... wow...
Looks fun, hopefully the barrel game is included in the download.
Garry really dosent run out of ideas does he.
I was wondering what he was going to do next.

They stole the barrell game from that old QIII mod called Crate III. :p

But that looks awesome.
WOW, that sounds incredible.

Does this mean we'll soon see lots of little fun Mods made with Garry's Mod???
"Uh oh, someone's coming!"

*Thinks barrell-y thoughts*

"Hahaha, excellent"
I really hope that you can't ID someone when looking at them. Because then you'd have to rely on watching to see who moves, but then again, to make the game faster, maybe a 5 second locking on should show their ID.
he was thinking about this for a while
the idea was that most mods are just the original game with a gameplay or story twist so allow gamers to make their own 'mods' easily
should be excellent
Sulkdodds said:
They stole the barrell game from that old QIII mod called Crate III. :p

But that looks awesome.

They also had that for UT2k3/4. It was tremendous fun.

OD-Black_Fire said:
Holy shit, Valve should hire Garry.

They have already used Garry's Mod to show game design students the capabilities of the Source engine.
Sulkdodds said:
They stole the barrell game from that old QIII mod called Crate III. :p
There was also a mod for HL1 called BoxWars.
2Fast4U said:
There was also a mod for HL1 called BoxWars.

Ahh...brings back memories! The termites and crowbars and seeing something part of the scenery dart across the screen then stop!:imu:
OD-Black_Fire said:
Holy shit, Valve should hire Garry.

He bungled a phone interview with them a while back, which sucks for valve.

There's some other crazy-ass shit he's pulled off, like a way to make players physics-enalbed. Gravity-gunning a player across the map is pretty ****ing sweet looking.

There's also an awesome melon racer mode, which is crazy and bananas.

What I'm most excited about are his hopes for a HUGE ass map(Think Far Cry) with realistic weapons/damage, and if you die, you're banned from the server for 24 hours. If it works how he wants it, you'll be able to set up booby traps for other players and go stalking your prey.
Qwertyasher said:
What I'm most excited about are his hopes for a HUGE ass map(Think Far Cry) with realistic weapons/damage, and if you die, you're banned from the server for 24 hours. If it works how he wants it, you'll be able to set up booby traps for other players and go stalking your prey.
I was about to berate you for dragging up a thread that was almost a month old... but that part sounds like a really interesting idea for a mod. I'd like to try that. I always wanted to see a game with severe punishment for death. Respawning 5-10 seconds later with full health and ammo just takes away a lot of the penalties of dying. It would really introduce a lot of thought/planning and danger to the game.

This could even be made to play out like a last man standing reality TV show. As long as you have an HLTV server set up where other people can watch the action I think it could become somewhat of a spectator sport. People would probably join together and form gang-like entities to rule the island and protect each other while eliminating the enemies. As long as there's something to prevent people from finding one good spot and camping there for days it would be amazing. Perhaps you would need to hunt/scavenge for food or find drinkable water every hour or so.

Also, if there was ever a way to implement day & night cycles in HL2... this would be a great use for it. Perhaps they could find a way to change to a night skybox over time, make the dynamic shadows less opaque (or get rid of them completely), and then do like the old westerns and apply a blue filter to the camera to make the whole thing look dark without actually being dark (saving you from having to store tons of extra lightmap data because of lights with multiple states).

I can see that idea possibly working... but letting everyone run their own servers might hurt it. If you die on one server you could just hop over to another one. You would need to limit them to some controlled servers with a unified ban system to keep the threat of death high by not letting them just server hop to keep playing.

If it's anything like that... I'm in.
Wow. This is the first time I really respect Garry. But only as a coder.
He's still in my black book of throat-slitting.