garry's mod: awesome airships...


Nov 18, 2004
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Okay. Now that we can make things float and fly I thought I would post a horribly compressed video of a pilotable airship I created with garrysmod.

It's made out of 5 huge trashdumpsters, a buttload of balloons, and some thrusters to control lift, acceleration, and rotation.

You can control it by toggling the different thrusters on and off. Pretty crude, but it's purdy fun to fly :thumbs:
i didnt know you could turn the thrusters on and off O_O awesome.
Have you tried smaller versions? I had something not nearly as cool as that, and it didn't work.
I had one yesterday that was just 3 dumpsters and it actually was a little more stable, but it was a pain in the butt getting back on top o f the thing if I fell off....

With this one, all I had to do was land it and climb in.

Also, since you can't have the same type of thruster for more than one funtion, I thought something heavier might be easier to control. You can't control 2 of the same thrusters separately.

So i used the smaller 1000 thrusters for rotation, the 2000 for landing thrust, and the bigboy 2000 or whatever for lift, and the big boy 3000 for the forward thrust.
That's very very awesome! I tried something similar with the aeroplane in the buildingblocks map, but I kept sliding off.

What would be really awesome as well would be gas canisters tied to the arrow keys or whatnot, and a physbox made of glass textures so you can see out.

But that blimp/airship takes the cake, wow - That's the sort of vechicle I would want to fly around in. I love it!
FictiousWill said:
What would be really awesome as well would be gas canisters tied to the arrow keys or whatnot

Somebody e-mail garry! As you can tell I'm not the best pilot....
This kind of thing makes me think that something like Air Buccaneers would make an excellent HL2 mod.
You can do that in JB mod. Just give the seperate gascannisters different entity names by aiming at them and typing in the consol
ent_setname <name>
each can has it's own set of commands so you could set a can named bob to fire at the right arrow key, a can named frank to fire at the left arrow key... Like this
bind +a "ent_fire bob activate"
You could try something like that in garrysmod, see if it works!

Oh and if somebody could correct my code? I'm not too good with binding stuff to do stuff and i'm pretty sure I typed the whole "activate on press, deactivate on release" thing in wrong.
HadouKen24 said:
This kind of thing makes me think that something like Air Buccaneers would make an excellent HL2 mod.

(slightly faster paced) Air Buccaneers on source would be very very awesome.
sinkoman said:
You can do that in JB mod. Just give the seperate gascannisters different entity names by aiming at them and typing in the consol
ent_setname <name>
each can has it's own set of commands so you could set a can named bob to fire at the right arrow key, a can named frank to fire at the left arrow key... Like this
bind +a "ent_fire bob activate"
You could try something like that in garrysmod, see if it works!

It works in garrysmod as well. Awesome. Thanks for the code!
You know, you could reasonably make cool in hammer then use garrysmod with it.

Build a map, and insert a prop_physics like the bedframe or toilet and add a player constraint parented to it. Have a button or trigger to activate the constraint, then weld the thrusters and ballons in game. It would keep you in there while you flew around.
I want the next version of Garry's mod to be able to spawn harpoons :|
ah i just tried out construction, i havent played that map sence v2 i think lol
Latin_Jones said:
It works in garrysmod as well. Awesome. Thanks for the code!

Glad to know I pointed this out!

Some mods should sticky this thread or make a sticky that shows you how to do this. AND I WANT CREDIT! Lol ;)
Thats really well done. I like it :) Nice work.
This controllable thrusters thing is really awesome.....

I was playing around a little more last night after I realized I could control a thruster on the back of the buggy.

I'm envisioning a very cool map for garrysmod or even a new mod where you can customize your buggy and race against other people.
yeah how bout a drag get 1 minute to soup up ur bathtub with thrusters or balloons or whatever...the mod wont let you move the tub until the 1 minute timer is done...once ur in the tub, u are constrained to it till u cross a finish line....and also each of you only gets a small garage full of parts...with some wheels and stuff....u can also throw obstacles and shit in the way of the person ur racin....i can also see a mario cart mod from this lol
He's my airship (made of 12 combine shields for 360 degree view).

1. A volunteer enters the airship
2. The balloons are attached.
3. Behind the protective shields you get an excellent view of the area below.
Overwatch said:
He's my airship (made of 12 combine shields for 360 degree view).

1. A volunteer enters the airship
2. The balloons are attached.
3. Behind the protective shields you get an excellent view of the area below.

hey that's pretty sweet! Reminds me of the rocket at the end of Willy Wonka for some reason :dozey:
Overwatch said:
He's my airship (made of 12 combine shields for 360 degree view).

1. A volunteer enters the airship
2. The balloons are attached.
3. Behind the protective shields you get an excellent view of the area below.

Very nice!