Garrys Mod Comic/Movie/Whatever

Dec 26, 2006
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Im planning on doing a Garrys Mod (gmod) comic or somthing simmiler. However, I dont know what to do it about. So I need some ideas. I would perfer if it wernt somthing extreamly complicated.

Make your ideas resonable. For example, dont say...

yOU shud do a comic wheRe alex has a gun that shotts baybyes that wold b supre awsume!!!!!
Whoa. Make it normal size.

Also, get your own ideas. If we have an idea, we'll make the comic most likely. Look at AJ. He made a great comic whose name currently escapes me. Worse than life, is it?
Whoa. Make it normal size.

Also, get your own ideas. If we have an idea, we'll make the comic most likely. Look at AJ. He made a great comic whose name currently escapes me. Worse than life, is it?

It is indeed.

Alright, here's an idea: Make a comic about a group of inept terrorists fighting in cs_office, talking in leet-speak and blowing stuff up. Or, a comic about a noob in gm_construct with lots of sex-poses. Trust me, it's never been done.

Try to invoke some kind of sadness in the reader. Perhaps feeling sorry for a certain character. And not just something silly, I mean really try to get a very sympathetic and genuinely sad mood going. That sounds like a good challenge.
Try to invoke some kind of sadness in the reader. Perhaps feeling sorry for a certain character. And not just something silly, I mean really try to get a very sympathetic and genuinely sad mood going. That sounds like a good challenge.

Oh yeah, actually that would be quite interesting. I actually tried something like that for an interview at a university but it was a one-time thing, but a longer comic where you really feel for the character would be awesome.