Garry's Mod v7 OUT


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Go forth and create!

-Added new Easy Weld mode
-Added new Easy Ballsocket mode
-Added slider constraint
-Fixed garry_makeragdoll crash
-Added flashlight lamps
-Restored old flashlight
-Added garry_sv_max_lamps to limit the number of lamps (in MP)
-Added garry_sv_max_explosions to limit the number of TNT (in MP)
-Added garry_sv_max_duplicates to limit the number of duplicated entities (in MP)
-Added duplicator gun
-Added Timed explosions (for cannons etc..)
-Spawned objects now spawn flat on the ground (if player is facing ground)
-Changed physgun beam to GREEN!!!!
-Completely fixed physgun spazzing problems
-Fixed physgun rotation not rotating 360 degrees
-Added static camera (Default Key 9 to view)
-Added Prop camera (Default Key 0 to view)
-Added colour mode changer to Multigun
-Added rendermode changer to Multigun
-Added renderfx changer to Multigun
-Added magnetize mode to Multigun
-Made magnets not only stick to metal objects
-Disabled collisions and gravity on numpad thrusters
-Added textbox to define numpad thruster power multiplier.
-Noclip is no longer considered a cheat
-You can now only setmodel to human models if cheats are disabled
-Added autocomplete for setmodel
-You can now define two entities to not collide with each other
do you have to uninstall older versions first?
Hazar said:
do you have to uninstall older versions first?


What the hell? That was so fast...and I was on the forums too.

/me downloads
Dilemma, WoW or v7? Wow or v7? Wow or v7? Wow or v7?

Okaaayyy.... just a quuuiiiiiick peek at v7.
It's got a lot of cool stuff since I last played it (v5?) :D
I was on the website not long ago and it wasn't out, Coool.... This guy garry's the greatest! [downloads]
geez i haven't even had any time to play v6 and already v7 is out. mucho fun awaits
wow ! this version rox !
many things added/fixed , i like the new dynamic lamps :)
Axyon said:
Wow, and here was me thinking that there would never be a time a MOD gave us the chance to spam their forums with worthless spam pictures about alyx getting humped by the Gman.

Never again shall this day arise. We shall savour it in all it's glory.
-Disabled collisions and gravity on numpad thrusters

Ah, the collisions on those things and resulting madness made me kill many an innocent bystander when I tried the previous version.
What I want is for him to add an elecricuter to the multitool. Where do I give him a sugestion?
This should be a news post

btw thank god for disabled collisions, now I can make them hold the gun right without it bouncing off their hand constantly!
lol the grenade launcher is so cool on medium and fast!!! And spamming those Overwatch Rifle secondary plasma rounds are awesome!
Garry Newman = GMAN! ;) The new version is ok but I think its a bit over done.
The easyweld alone makes this version fantastic. It's just so much faster... and easier! I churned out a pretty wicked bridge in like 10 minutes, with the other it would have probually taken 45 minutes... every time I try to get it close, bam, it would flip out and break or smack the other one away, was such a pain.