Garry's Mod v7 Released

Sep 28, 2003
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A new version of the popular Garry's Mod has been released, with a number of new additions and fixes. Here's the changelist in full:
  • Added new Easy Weld mode
  • Added new Easy Ballsocket mode
  • Added slider constraint
  • Fixed garry_makeragdoll crash
  • Added flashlight lamps
  • Restored old flashlight
  • Added garry_sv_max_lamps to limit the number of lamps (in MP)
  • Added garry_sv_max_explosions to limit the number of TNT (in MP)
  • Added garry_sv_max_duplicates to limit the number of duplicated entities (in MP)
  • Added duplicator gun
  • Added Timed explosions (for cannons etc..)
  • Spawned objects now spawn flat on the ground (if player is facing ground)
  • Changed physgun beam to GREEN!!!!
  • Completely fixed physgun spazzing problems
  • Fixed physgun rotation not rotating 360 degrees
  • Added static camera (Default Key 9 to view)
  • Added Prop camera (Default Key 0 to view)
  • Added colour mode changer to Multigun
  • Added rendermode changer to Multigun
  • Added renderfx changer to Multigun
  • Added magnetize mode to Multigun
  • Made magnets not only stick to metal objects
  • Disabled collisions and gravity on numpad thrusters
  • Added textbox to define numpad thruster power multiplier.
  • Noclip is no longer considered a cheat
  • You can now only setmodel to human models if cheats are disabled
  • Added autocomplete for setmodel
  • You can now define two entities to not collide with each other
[br]As per usual, you can download it from the Garry's Mod site.
omgwtfbbq 3nd post!!!!11

That's so much more different than your's WacK :D
apparently this may be the last gmod release, garrys has said in his forums he's going to be releasing the source code soon and stop developing the mod himself. :/
This guy is never going to stop. Damn he comes up with new stuff fast.