Garry's mod will sold through Steam

Hey, look at it from the bright side: if this didn't happen, Garry wouldn't have made a new version of Garry's mod (look at the end of the article).

And he has now the ability to use the whole source code, instead of just the SDK. I think we'll see some great things from Garry :)
Haha, just like DoD:Source, Ragdoll Kung Fu and Darwinia, I will surely not buy this either. There is almost no person I know of that likes to play GMod anyway, so meh.
Then don't buy it, pricks. He's put a whole lot of hard work into it, unpaid. It's about time he got a little reimbursement for his efforts. Christ sake, he's been working on it constantly for god-knows-how-long to produce this mod, and people sit there and berate him.

You're all assholes.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm not an asshole I'm just cheap. Good for Garry, I hope he makes alot of money, he probably deserves it but I'll just stick with 9.0.4 or whatever the hell it is.

And I'm not going to wait for hours and hours for the bloody download.
I won't be bothering with it, not that it isn't good. It's just I've had my fun with it and that's it. I'm sure it will sell well enough anyway.
I know Garry from SA and I know how good of a person he is. He deserves every penny he makes out of this and I can't wait to put my 10 dollars into his wallet. Hell with a little more cash behind him he might even get facewound finished and available on steam.
Good luck to him, although i did get bored of his mod after a few versions, when he was first bringing them out. I played it last with all the mini-games, that was alright...but it's not as appealing as other games about. Hopefully his fanbase will carry him through. Unless he does something huge to the mod to bring more to it.
Yes it is. Just because it dosen't have a story or defined goal does not stop it being a game.
Good on him i think he will do very well, But will not bye it from steam for the simple reason i have not credit card, i might from stores thouh
Link said:
Yes it is. Just because it dosen't have a story or defined goal does not stop it being a game.

Wrong. Rules are required for something to be classified as a game.

7 entries found for game.
game1 Audio pronunciation of "game" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gm)

1. An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games.
1. A competitive activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules: the game of basketball; the game of gin rummy.
2. A single instance of such an activity: We lost the first game.
3. games An organized athletic program or contest: track-and-field games; took part in the winter games.
4. A period of competition or challenge: It was too late in the game to change the schedule of the project.
1. The total number of points required to win a game: One hundred points is game in bridge.
2. The score accumulated at any given time in a game: The game is now 14 to 12.
4. The equipment needed for playing certain games: packed the children's games in the car.
5. A particular style or manner of playing a game: improved my tennis game with practice.
6. Informal.
1. An active interest or pursuit, especially one involving competitive engagement or adherence to rules: “the way the system operates, the access game, the turf game, the image game” (Hedrick Smith).
2. A business or occupation; a line: the insurance game.
3. An illegal activity; a racket.
7. Informal.
1. Evasive, trifling, or manipulative behavior: wanted a straight answer, not more of their tiresome games.
2. A calculated strategy or approach; a scheme: I saw through their game from the very beginning.
8. Mathematics. A model of a competitive situation that identifies interested parties and stipulates rules governing all aspects of the competition, used in game theory to determine the optimal course of action for an interested party.
1. Wild animals, birds, or fish hunted for food or sport.
2. The flesh of these animals, eaten as food.
1. An object of attack, ridicule, or pursuit: The press considered the candidate's indiscretions to be game.
2. Mockery; sport: The older children teased and made game of the newcomer.
Gongrats on having his mod on steam. Im buying it just for collection purposes and to support him. Plus i like to hope in here and there and play around.
Seems abit selfish when other mods aren't charging.

Plus, that the reason his mod is so popular is because of the community making all the minigames, models and screenshots/comics of it.
1. An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games.

1. A competitive activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules: the game of basketball; the game of gin rummy.
2. A single instance of such an activity: We lost the first game.
3. games An organized athletic program or contest: track-and-field games; took part in the winter games.
4. A period of competition or challenge: It was too late in the game to change the schedule of the project.

1. The total number of points required to win a game: One hundred points is game in bridge.
2. The score accumulated at any given time in a game: The game is now 14 to 12.

4. The equipment needed for playing certain games: packed the children's games in the car.

5. A particular style or manner of playing a game: improved my tennis game with practice.

6. Informal.
1. An active interest or pursuit, especially one involving competitive engagement or adherence to rules: “the way the system operates, the access game, the turf game, the image game” (Hedrick Smith).
2. A business or occupation; a line: the insurance game.
3. An illegal activity; a racket.

7. Informal.
1. Evasive, trifling, or manipulative behavior: wanted a straight answer, not more of their tiresome games.
2. A calculated strategy or approach; a scheme: I saw through their game from the very beginning.

8. Mathematics. A model of a competitive situation that identifies interested parties and stipulates rules governing all aspects of the competition, used in game theory to determine the optimal course of action for an interested party.

1. Wild animals, birds, or fish hunted for food or sport.
2. The flesh of these animals, eaten as food.

1. An object of attack, ridicule, or pursuit: The press considered the candidate's indiscretions to be game.
2. Mockery; sport: The older children teased and made game of the newcomer.
ríomhaire said:
1. An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games.

Those things still require a set of rules. Theres a difference between 'playing' and 'playing a game'.

1. A competitive activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules: the game of basketball; the game of gin rummy.
Please do tell, what are the defined rules of garrys mod. Next you'll be telling me that Lego is a game and not a toy.

4. The equipment needed for playing certain games: packed the children's games in the car.

Not really seeing as the equipment required to play could range in classification from your actual PC to HL2.

CrazyHarij said:
Seems abit selfish when other mods aren't charging.

Plus, that the reason his mod is so popular is because of the community making all the minigames, models and screenshots/comics of it.

Oh of course, he's being totally selfish, how DARE he make money out of something that he has spent time developing. I can't believe he can sleep at night. Hell while we're on it how dare valve even charge us for HL2. Everything should be free! :rolleyes:
OK Magic, so you're arguing that Gmod is something you play games with rather than a game itself D:
Gmod is a games console!
You seem to be apt at picking arguments over the most silly things. By your definiton all sandbox software programmes are not games. So pretty much everything by Maxis isn't a game. Anyway, either way it is a tool for playing games.
Garrys Mod is a sandbox utility yes.
No Maxis games are not sandbox games because they actually have objectives and a defined way of playing, the can be completed and finished.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Garrys Mod is a sandbox utility yes.
No Maxis games are not sandbox games because they actually have objectives and a defined way of playing, the can be completed and finished.
You make your own rules in GMod. It's still a game.
wow. We're all going to be poor if more mods start following this trend...
Congrats to Garry. I'm not the biggest fan on the mod and certainly won't be buying it, but I admire the achievement.

Also, this shows that Valve are a very bright bunch. They understand that there are not too many modders who can create large-scale working mods, and they're certainly making a clever move by offering Garry this deal.
Angry Lawyer said:
Then don't buy it, pricks. He's put a whole lot of hard work into it, unpaid. It's about time he got a little reimbursement for his efforts. Christ sake, he's been working on it constantly for god-knows-how-long to produce this mod, and people sit there and berate him.

You're all assholes.

-Angry Lawyer

Ёпта, Гаррис будут продавать? Ну вы мужики даёте. Что там покупать-то, в этой жопе.
CrazyHarij said:
Seems abit selfish when other mods aren't charging.

Plus, that the reason his mod is so popular is because of the community making all the minigames, models and screenshots/comics of it.

I doubt you would say no if valve offered you a chance to sell your mod on steam and make some cash. Also he gets the source engine code as well. He worked very hard on this mod for well over a year and now he is being rewarded, I see nothing selfish about it. And if you really, really, dislike garry making his mod retail, you could always not buy it.
Не стоит так спорить. Выйдет этот ёбаный десятый Гарис и всё прохуячим тогда.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
No it's not! Jesus ****ing christ are you going to argue with the ****ing dictionary?
You are tiresome to talk to, have you really not got any other way of channeling your energy rather than starting pointless debates on the internet. You are 20+ right? Act it. *awaits another tiresome rant*
Angry Lawyer said:
Then don't buy it, pricks. He's put a whole lot of hard work into it, unpaid. It's about time he got a little reimbursement for his efforts. Christ sake, he's been working on it constantly for god-knows-how-long to produce this mod, and people sit there and berate him.

You're all assholes.

-Angry Lawyer

For God's sakes, you guys have the nerve to be annoyed with him for NO LONGER GIVING YOU SOMETHING FOR FREE. Though that's not entirely true since GM9 is going to remain a free mod indefinitely.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Garrys Mod is a sandbox utility yes.
No Maxis games are not sandbox games because they actually have objectives and a defined way of playing, the can be completed and finished.
The Sims cannot be completed, it goes on forever. Are you saying it isn't a game?
Hectic Glenn said:
You are tiresome to talk to, have you really not got any other way of channeling your energy rather than starting pointless debates on the internet. You are 20+ right? Act it. *awaits another tiresome rant*

Pointless? I'm trying to preserve our countries ****ing language here.

ríomhaire said:
The Sims cannot be completed, it goes on forever. Are you saying it isn't a game?

It's has a defined set of rules, there is only one play style, you build a house and look after people, that's it, there are goals. It is a game. Garrys mod does not have those things. You can recreate any rule set of gameplay style you want within it. RPG? No problem. Racing game? No problem. Sports game? No problem. Co-Op shooter? No problem. DM shooter? no problem. Flight sim? No problem. Advanced lego set? No problem....are you starting to get the ****ing picture yet?
Magnetichead, how come the threads you're involved in always turn to shit? Can't we just move on from whether this is a game or not??? Just agree to disagree.

By the way, did anyone notice this contraption as linked to in the Steam article? Friggin' amazing!
Indeed that's one badass piece of metal. I hate to think about how many FPS the guy is getting.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Indeed that's one badass piece of metal. I hate to think about how many FPS the guy is getting.
I think my comp would crash just loading the f*cker.
How can you say he is selfish? Its a accomplishment what he did with the source engine. He made something great valve saw this and gave him a chance to get something in reture. Its great its being sold online. Its great valve is giving people this chance. Now that he is funded he can put more into the mod plus he got the whole source engine not just the sdk. You pay for the engine and im sure its not cheap. Well now he has it which unlocks even more options. Be happy Valve is doing this.
So he's able to make a more powerful Gmod because of this deal is what you're saying, Raiel?
gmod is a game, the "An active interest or pursuit" defines it perfectly. It even has a set of rules which relate to the game world.