Garrysmod Basics


Jun 17, 2007
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Alright, you all knew it was coming as most of you know that is hardly the place for Gmod and that Gmod is more commonly discussed in Facepunch. Now for all you n00bs out there here are a few basics that you need to know to become a good builder/wirer.

1.Aligning: Pick up object via physgun. Hold shift and then hold down E(use). This auto stabilizes object to the most perfect axis it can have. Good for all.

2.Easy Weld vs Weld: Yes, the easy weld is easy but is a little frustrating. Click on object place and it's wasy welded(welded poorly). Now, to use weld, place object where you want it to be. Click on it with normal "Weld" and click on the ground, other object, etc. etc. Simple right?

3.Addons: Try and use WinRar, or my personal favorite, PKzip(same thing, just not as multi uasable as winrar, and PKzip is nice as it is quick and all Gmod addons come in this format.) Yes, WinRar is PKzip, I just fail to notice that every time it sucks balls at extracting. Moving on.

4.The Wire Addon: yes, the wire addon. Unless you're some super genius, you should get tutorials if you want bigger, better things.

5.Lua: This should also require some practice or some form of instruction as I haven't even toggled with it. Make SWEPs off it, or code certain stuff.

6.Life Support: This is good for 3 things: Lag, making people feel bad at using it, and ****ing with fusion nukes (please don't **** with them).

7.MingeBags: Avoid.

8.Roleplaying: If your PC is a little old please refrain. The community will love you for it. And don't get addicted. It's the Sims with complete control over drugs and gravity combined with melons. Nuff said.

9.Mapping: If you're confused even though you already read hundreds of tutorials, read all of them again (or watch) and try not releasiong bad maps. You will be shunned. This is why all maps are good, because if they're bad you can say goodbye to the creator for a year or so.

I think I've covered the basics, but not really. I'm kind of bored so feel free to find mistakes, or add on.

No flaming. I know I'm just asking for it.

Oh, and you might say Wow bullshit.

Then I'll say, "Yeah it is."