Gas prices in US

Trust me...its still cheap in the US compared to here :) Although the prices do seem to have risen a lot...i suspect though that the crude oil prices will subside again soon enough though.
oil is running out very quickly from our current reserves, the predictions are for a peak around 2006. 2008 :o , and its all fact. when it peaks, ... it dissapears very fast, Prices will become silly in the next decade

they reckon oil may be hard to come by , by the year 2014 - to 2018
There is alot of oil that hasnt been considered yet though, much of it is under perma frost and such and simply wasnt economically viable for drilling. When reserves begin to run low, they will go after that.

Russia i believe has the largest deposits of oil, followed by the US and then places like the middle east.

Perhaps oil will run out sooner rather than later, but its not likely to run out within a time that will greatly affect us for a while.
Running out by 2020 is BS. There are alot of know untapped reserves.

The only reasons we dont use them are Political/financial/enviromental.
hmmm...there is enough oil in the world, that we are currently using, to last until at least 2075. most of that is in the middle east.
Prices in the US are the lowest in the world. In some places in Canada recently we have been paying up to $1.00(CDN) per LITER of gas, and it will probably be even more expensive in Europe.

1 liter = 0.2642 U.S. gallons.
That picture is great. :D
While high, right now its no more than really an annoyance. If it gets worse it may become something more.
(And everyone disagrees on the whole oil thing. In any case its still going to be a little while yet.)
1 liter = 0.2642 U.S. gallons. = 1,3 dollars where i live in sweden..
I think its a good thing that Oil prices are going up, well the petrol side of it anyway, it means that people might be willing to stop using their cars and use an alternative form of transport. But unfortunatly this also means that all sorts of other products will become more expensive :(. I think its about time we start using alternative power supplys for our cars and for electricity. Go green! :P
crabcakes66 said:
Running out by 2020 is BS. There are alot of know untapped reserves.

The only reasons we dont use them are Political/financial/enviromental.

i didnt put it across correctly, maybe there will be untapped reserves,... but, not enough energy to satisfy the More Economically Developed world, so it'll probably be all gone in 2025,... 2075...??? pah thats hopefull. you have to account for increase in energy consumption as population and society expands, etc more homes = more energy consumption.... and a whole bunch of other factors ( ill do a scan of the stats from the book for the world energy consumption prediction )

and then whoever holds those extra last reserves can hold the world to ransom, or the US might declare war on that country :dozey: , so im afraid its not BS, its very real.

its alright to have a small amount of reserve oil left..?, but it wont be enough to cater for the worlds needs,,.... what happens then?

Go Green :P
clarky003 said:
i didnt put it across correctly, maybe there will be untapped reserves,... but, not enough energy to satisfy the More Economically Developed world, so it'll probably be all gone in 2025,

and then whoever holds those extra last reserves can hold the world to ransom, or the US might declare war on that country :dozey: , so im afraid its not BS, its very real.

its alright to have a small amount of reserve oil left, but it wont be enough to cater for the worlds needs,,.... what happens then?
We somehow force the entire world into using those newfangled (heh, always wanted to use that word :)) hydrogen-powered cars and solar power, among other things.

And it's probably for the best that oil will run out by around 2025. There's so much pollution in LA and the like, and millions of tonnes of pollution are dumped into the atmosphere all over the world every day (or was it week? I can't remember). Imagine a world where exhaust fumes consist entirely of H20... :D

heres something I and even though it is accurate in predicition, is extremely vague at the explaination..

after a 2006 - 2020 peak, (which is now more likely to come closer to 2006) the graph shows this simulated peak,, .. as you see it carry's on being consumed till around 2050,,.. but what it doesnt say is the most important thing of all !.
At the size of the predicted population in 2025 - 2030 the amount of consumption, as it is tapering off is not enough to provide the energy that the world would require at that time.. so yes it wont 'run out' for a while.. but it might aswell if it cant provide for the majority of the population.

I cant believe they fail to inform us of such an obvious statistic. I mean it makes sense. why leave it out. its not like all of a sudden the population is just going to hold at a steady rate, and expansion will stop. lol.

its like buying 4 packs of crisps a day for example, say.. you would eat them all over a day. but then someone moves in with you and you have to give 2 to him everyday, so if you want 4 to yourself, you have to buy 2 packs one for each of you, then..! someone else moves in, and you have to buy 3 packs. before you know it the shop go's out of stock quicker, and so does the supplier... as people just keep moving in with you. :O
i just paid a $1 a litre to fill up my car, roughly $60 to keep my car runing for the next two weeks. i complained loudly to the person behind the counter, but what good did it do realy.

this is in australia.
moz4rt said:
Here is the correct link-

I like this site because this guy isn't trying to politicize anything. He gives you the facts (not sure if it's all true or not but you get the idea).
more conspiratorial tiolet paper to wipe my virtual a** with it.

its like so totally true for shure cause its like on the internet and stuff. :rolleyes:

im againsts the war in iraq but this guy's just tryin to sale his book.
The Mullinator said:
Prices in the US are the lowest in the world. In some places in Canada recently we have been paying up to $1.00(CDN) per LITER of gas, and it will probably be even more expensive in Europe.

1 liter = 0.2642 U.S. gallons.

Petrol is around £0.80 per litre here in the UK. That works out to $1.98 Canadian dollars, or $1.43 USD per litre
stigmata said:
We somehow force the entire world into using those newfangled (heh, always wanted to use that word :)) hydrogen-powered cars and solar power, among other things.

And it's probably for the best that oil will run out by around 2025. There's so much pollution in LA and the like, and millions of tonnes of pollution are dumped into the atmosphere all over the world every day (or was it week? I can't remember). Imagine a world where exhaust fumes consist entirely of H20... :D

its not as simple as that......

running out of oil = Global economic collapse. Millions of people will die in the countrys that are to poor to afford the new technology as well as for various other reasons(imagine a fully industrialised china with no oil)...

Nothing we can control though....its all up to the people making trillions off fossil fuels. My biggest fear is that the people in power will let things go for to long....and then we have anarchy. People dont realise how important energy is to the developed world.
you know it Crabcakes, I know they want to avoid mass panic, but why not do something about it now?, to allow the tranisition from fossil fuels to occur much easier. Or.. do these people with lots of money really not care?... will they leave the rest of the world for broke, creating a massive divide in the world... ? im not impressed.

without energy as it is set up at the moment

*film stars cant be film stars, because theres no power for the camera's,, so their all screwed out of a job. :P

*you cant fuel your car
*you cant turn on your computer
*you cant use any entertainment system
*radio signals cant be sent (phones useless, etc)

and most importantly Munro would be pissed, cause its energy that keeps this site going :P... oh yeh and without energy you cant play HL2 or 3! :eek:

and the stem behind all of this is oil.. its the only way that we have, set up at the moment for supplying energy to the world. any other plans would take decades to set up to keep that same supply going alternatively.
Um, gasoline is expensive in Europe mostly because of taxes imposed by the governments of those countries.

There's enough oil in the ground to keep going for many decades.

I think we should invade Saudi Arabia to bring prices down. In fact, I think we should annex it as the 51st state. Hell, I'm sure they've got some terrorists and WMDs in there somewhere.
sry dble post, I'm lazy.

clarky003 said:
...and the stem behind all of this is oil.. its the only way that we have, set up at the moment for supplying energy to the world. any other plans would take decades to set up to keep that same supply going alternatively.

OMG! He's right - when gasoline runs out, there'll be no more coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, or nuclear power.......? :dozey:
umm no oil, but it still takes time to set up enough of the other energy sources to supply for the worlds needs, silly

There's enough oil in the ground to keep going for many decades.

I dont think you read the thread.. the population is expanding.. and oil demand is going to double by 2020 because of this. so it wont beable to supply the whole of the developed world with its energy needs for much more than 18 more years. even if there are still amounts of oil left... it all depends on the quantity to population demand ratio. :dozey:
FictiousWill said:
OMG! He's right - when gasoline runs out, there'll be no more coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, or nuclear power.......? :dozey:

That is not the point. You cant just change the source of energy over night.....and in the mean time you have global economic chaos.
Do some real research guys. Firstly, I never said anything about changing power source overnight. My sarcastic comment was only to remind us that petroleum does not power everything. Gasoline powers transportation mostly, and as a result impacts a large portion of the economy. Power for you home or business most likely is provided by nuclear or coal power plants, and by hydroelectric, solar or wind depending on your location.

There isn't one big underground bucket of oil in the middle east, and when it goes 'schlrp' oil production is over. Get this: "peak" does not mean "stop"! Production will rise to this clever 'peak' thing, and will then 'decline' at a similar pace. Oil reserves are limited, sure, but not only are we far from any supposed peak: , and we are far far far from any supposed end. Gas prices now are the result of politics, and in Europe, it's politics and taxes on top of that.
:rolleyes: your just not paying attention to the increase of usage over the next decade, and population expansion. alternate resources are fine, but there arnt enough set up, and I say again, arnt enough set up to take place of the 40%, 40%! that oil takes up in world energy supply.

that document is from March 1998, lol. and prediction on population and consumerisation has changed. I think perhaps your the one who needs to update the old research, :P

that underground bucket isnt going to last aslong as you think,, again its population expansion that determines that. and like I said before, comsumation has been set to double approaching 2020, which means it dissapears 2 times faster, until a threshold of population requirement is reached,.. then... too many people in the developing world compared to the quantity of energy that can be supplied... and as more people want it and depend on it.
The world gas supply will not 'end' or even peak in 20 years. All the children born in China and Africa will not come complete with their own SUV.
all this talk about how the future is going to be, where anyone can tell you predicting the future based on current and past events is like gambling, you win some, you loose most