Gasoline in a barrel + a bullet



If there was a barrel full of gasoline and you shot the bottom of it, gasoline would start pouring out.. I would think. If you then shot the puddle of the gasoline with a gun (USP 9mm) wouldn't it create an explosion, or a fire?
Because it would create a spark, or would it create a spark once it hit the barrel, and then blow up?
it'll probably blow up without leaking first. buttttttttttt that would be cool
yea, in the VALVE info thread they said that water (or gasolione) wouldnt poor out
Hmm..interesting question. However, I would assume that upon shooting the barrel it would detonate instantly, but the fire thing would be cool.

As a sidenote, the new issue of PC Gamer reveals some new info on HL2. (They got the worlds first playable build of the game.) One person says that upon shooting a barrel with a crossbow bolt, it detonates sending a zombie flying into another barrel and setting it off, making him burn.
nw909 said:
Its impossible to calculate fluid physics right now.
not impossible, its been used in pre-rendered work for years, and there are realtime demo's. It's just a strain for realtime and would be just another gimmick in a game, which would eventually be overused.
Fenric said:
not impossible, its been used in pre-rendered work for years, and there are realtime demo's. It's just a strain for realtime and would be just another gimmick in a game, which would eventually be overused.

Well yeah, I know its been used for pre-rendered things, but like when people want gasoline pouring out of barrels calculated in real-time inside a video game, that should be a while off im pretty sure.
nw909 said:
Well yeah, I know its been used for pre-rendered things, but like when people want gasoline pouring out of barrels calculated in real-time inside a video game, that should be a while off im pretty sure.
can be done, like I say there are demo's of such things around the net at the moment. It's once its added to everything else that it becomes a problem. Computers can currently do it, they just can't do everything else at the same time aswell

Could probably fake it with a certain type of shader anyway, would be far less of a strain on the engine/machine even in a year or so.
I can't wait until in a few years when they have fluid dynamic.

Oh, joy. :)
in real life, my guess is that it would blow up the instant the bullet hit the gasoline filled barrel.

in the source... probably the same thing since like people have said, no fluid mechanics.

If this were in the game, there would probably be no way of knowing gas was even in the darn thing unless it was a transparant barrel, or marked 'explosive.'

so they would probably do it just like half life where it says 'explosive' on the barral and blows up after a couple shots with the pistol
You may be able to do primitive 'goo', with maybe 200 linked points, like the matress. Sortof like jello? That's the best you'll get in source, without some extreme custom code and ultra-slowdown (and it'll still look crappy like a bag of water-textured jello).
what about a barrel filled with nails? would they spill?
Six Three said:
what about a barrel filled with nails? would they spill?

that sounds right. just would be a pain in the ass probably getting a crap load of nails in a barrel
Would be more effective (and easier on havok) to have a barrel of (6 or so) metal poles. They could clang and clatter around very prettily.
I wonder if a barrel of oil would really catch fire upon being shot in real life... I'm pretty sure bullets don't actually make sparks... y'know... being made of soft lead and all...
nw909 said:
Well yeah, I know its been used for pre-rendered things, but like when people want gasoline pouring out of barrels calculated in real-time inside a video game, that should be a while off im pretty sure.

play the game devastation, they have real time fluid dynamics (they were the first so its not perfect but it does work)
Bullets rarely ever cause sparks.
Medal of Honor : Pacific Assault supposedly has some basic real-time fluid dynamics, but I'm not sure, some say it's just an animation on the water shader or something.
zdub said:
play the game devastation, they have real time fluid dynamics (they were the first so its not perfect but it does work)

did it really? i tried to play the game, but it just....SUCKED...SO....BAD....i couldn't continue after like one level...
The liquid gasoline doesnt actually explode, the vapour it gives off is the igniter. The vapour then needs to be in a confined space with the right amount of oxygen to create an explosion. Also the lead content in bullets wont cause a spark but the type of jacket they have would make a difference.
I think this would be perfectly possible, though scripted to an extent. If you have played MOH:AA you will know when you shoot the oil barrel half way you see the oil (2d sprite) pour out and make a puddle on the ground. Than if you shot the barrel in the top nothing would happen, but if you shot it at the bottom the oil would pour out, because it was only half full from the 1st shot.

Now if you played Postal2, you probly would of used the gasoline can, where you can pour petrol over the ground/walls and even people and later on you could ignite it with a match, and see the flame burn along the path of petrol you made. Also, it was kinda physicaly simulated, like if you poured it on a hill, it would run down, keep in mind its only 2d sprites.

If you put these 2 techniques togeather you could kinda achive somthing a exploding barrel.
It would be perfectly possible, but not in the way the topicstarter implied it (with actual fluid made out of particles).
You could (just like in Max Payne 2) let a stream of simple particles flow out the barrel, and at the point at which the stream hits the floor, a puddle of oil is created with the overlay technique of HL2, then it could 'spread' in a random order by creating more overlays around it. Add some sort of cool looking reflective shader and you're done.
Fenric, true fluid dynamics is impossible to achieve with todays computing tech. even the nuclear explosions simulation computers cant do fluid dynamics. You would have to model trillions of molecules, its impossible. Likely what you have seen are good foils for true fluid dynamics.
No, you can't simulate "true" fluid dynamics (in real time anyway, anything can be done if it's pre-rendered) in the sense that you're modeling each molecule, but you don't have to simulate each molecule to achieve the same effect. All you have to simulate is the surfaces that make up the volume of the fluid. It's very possible to simulate thousands of polygon surfaces to achieve what appears to be fluid movement. Black & White 2 is doing this with lava flows and such. It looks pretty damn realistic. Of course, it's lava so it flows pretty slowly, but it's still a very convincing example of fluid dynamics.
err guys, where did I say anyone could simulate true fluid dynamics, hmm?
Fenric said:
they don't have that in Source

yes it does

btw both scenario's are possible.

If you shoot a barrel with gasoline, it'll exploade right away...(and cause a fire and all...)
If you break a barrel, and the gasoline runs out, and then you shoot it with the usp, it would alos catch fire. ;)
*shocked no one else has said this...*

This can be done in postal 2
Think of how it was done in Medal Of Honor, that worked pretty well!
Of course in real life, shooting a barrel of petrol/gasoline does not make it explode.

Doesnt S.T.A.L.K.E.R's XRay engine claim to have fluid dynamics, although none have been seen.
Lobster said:
Of course in real life, shooting a barrel of petrol/gasoline does not make it explode.

Doesnt S.T.A.L.K.E.R's XRay engine claim to have fluid dynamics, although none have been seen.
They claim the Stalker engine to have lots of things but few have been seen :(
It would be freakin' awesome to play a game where the level gets hit by a massive tidal wave.
tho rather a short level "incoming tidal wave.... die.", would probably have to be near the end :)
I would just be happy with, and I don't think HL2 has this, atleast not in the E3 demos, but it doesn't "flow" or anything, but ripples and such caused by objects going into/out of it or whatever. Plus all the other little splash sprites and such.

I am looking at this demo here-

It's pretty cool, and would be plenty for HL2. (Also isn't pc intensive at all)
Doesnt Black and White 2 have fluid dynamics? Im sure I read that somewhere that lava could flow over land and buildings realistically reacting dynamially to the surface.