Gay cowboy movie.


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Is anyone going to see "Brokeback Mountain"? It looks like a pretty big deal, and I figured if I could take out a girl... It looks interesting, concidering neither the cast or director were gay, but they had to do a gay sex scene.
TheSomeone said:
Is anyone going to see "Brokeback Mountain"? It looks like a pretty big deal, and I figured if I could take out a girl... It looks interesting, concidering neither the cast or director were gay, but they had to do a gay sex scene.

My video class is going to the Hawaii International Film Festival, and we got to pick 3 movies we wanted to see.

I almost decided to pick it :P
If theres a gay sex scene don't go...and don't bring a girl.

If your bringing a girl go to a scary movie. Its a good reason to get close...aka cuddle...not sex. I worked at a theater and saw too many condoms. People like that should die.
Glirk Dient said:
If theres a gay sex scene don't go...and don't bring a girl.
You sound like a five-year-old talking about searching for the boogeyman in his closet.
It's not like the penis is going to pop out of the screen and hit you in the face.

Anywho, what's this movie about?
"Straight Cowboy Movie" wouldn't be an adequate way to summarize a movie. What is the plot and what is the setting?
Mechagodzilla said:
You sound like a five-year-old talking about searching for the boogeyman in his closet.
It's not like the penis is going to pop out of the screen and hit you in the face.

Anywho, what's this movie about?
"Straight Cowboy Movie" wouldn't be an adequate way to summarize a movie. What is the plot and what is the setting?
I know a peepee poked me in the face from teh was a scary and very sad day.
You sound like a five-year-old talking about searching for the boogeyman in his closet.
It's not like the penis is going to pop out of the screen and hit you in the face.
Maybe he just dosen't want to watch a film with gay sex?
Not wanting to watch gay sex? That's against nature. :imu:

Aren't you not allowed to call it 'the gay cowboy movie?'
oh ffs you people are hilarious bordering on the crazy sex in a movie? oooooo they might show a buttock. unless the movie is rated X you wont be seeing any "sex"
Well, a load of movies that aren't adult-rated have sex scenes in them but considering attitudes of censors it may well be that any kind of gay sex scene would be an automatic 18. Oh dear oh dear.
soon it'll be

"as long as they're not homosexual"

which will change to:

"as long as they're married"

which will eventually lead to:

"as long as it's in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, thanks be to god"
I do second the opinion of it probably not being a "date" movie. But I'm not even interested in normal romance movies, much less something that seems to be straddling the line between film and publicity stunt.
sinkoman said:
My video class is going to the Hawaii International Film Festival, and we got to pick 3 movies we wanted to see.

I almost decided to pick it :P

What did you pick?

Glirk Dient said:
If theres a gay sex scene don't go...and don't bring a girl.

Why? It depends on the person.

I'm immensly looking forward to this movie, loved Crouching Tiger. I have high expecations for this.
I'd like to see it. The movie's about two people who become best friends and love each other very much but still only being friends. Kinda like gladiators did back in Ancient times with their butt buddies.
Mechagodzilla said:
You sound like a five-year-old talking about searching for the boogeyman in his closet.
It's not like the penis is going to pop out of the screen and hit you in the face.

I laughed wholeheartedly at this comment.
CptStern said:
oh ffs you people are hilarious bordering on the crazy sex in a movie? oooooo they might show a buttock. unless the movie is rated X you wont be seeing any "sex" just makes things really akward. With any sex really, but if your a guy that sex scene will be akward and disgusting. I guess it does depend on the person but IMO gay sex scenes are just plain akward in movies.
Glirk Dient said: just makes things really akward. With any sex really, but if your a guy that sex scene will be akward and disgusting. I guess it does depend on the person but IMO gay sex scenes are just plain akward in movies.

you mean like when 2 really ugly people kiss on the street, or when the guy next to you on the bus is picking his nose or how every sunday without fail Jehovah's witnessess show up on my door. YOU"'RE NOT GOING TO AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SEE, doesnt mean someone else wont enjoy it .....simple solution: dont like it dont watch it
^ I find the first line of your sig deliciously ironic in this thread.
while I'd like to claim that quote due to it's sheer brilliance I must give credit where credit is due: ..Specialmax is definately one of a kind :)
"Brokeback Mountain", lol the tilte just makes me laugh. :borg:
skull24 said:
"Brokeback Mountain", lol the tilte just makes me laugh. :borg:

Kinda immature to boil a movie title that has nothing to do with the action, down to gutter wash.

LOL, This saids it all. :borg:
I find it very sad that many people are not going to watch it because of the homosexual relationship involved.
Harryz said:
I find it very sad that many people are not going to watch it because of the homosexually relationship.

nah it's not because of that ..this is the reason I suspect:

Sulkdodds said:
I seem to recall an experiment where a large sample of (straight) people were, one by one, sat down in a room in front of half an hour of hardcore gay porn. Each person's penis had a wire around it (super-sensitive measuring equipment lol!). Before this they'd had to fill in a very short questionaire about their views on homosexuality. Funnily enough, those who were against it were generally those who exhibited the largest penile reactions to the gay porn.

homo-erectusphobia :O
how much you wanna bet they wont respond? :laugh:

I'll probably watch it on dvd or when it makes it to Showcase ..a good movie is a good movie regardless of subject matter
Mechagodzilla said:
Anywho, what's this movie about?
"Straight Cowboy Movie" wouldn't be an adequate way to summarize a movie. What is the plot and what is the setting?

You're right.

It's about two manly cowboys who live heterosexual, manly, lives apart from each other, but once a while they spend some time together on brokeback moutain. It's about a repressed love, a feeling between one another they can't share, then they do. There's also something about one cowboy's wife being miserable for n ot being loved.

EDIT: And what are you all talking about "disgusting." Jake Gylenhaal and Heath Ledger are hot. :)
I'm going to rent it. When I said that to my dad he gave me the weirdest look. Maybe because he is the biggest homophobe I've ever met, with the possible exception of my brother, who spat at the tv when he saw the ad, well, thats chavs for you.:cheers: Anyway, I saw the title of this thread and the first thing I thought was 'awwwww, how adorable!'
Glirk Dient said:
If theres a gay sex scene don't go...and don't bring a girl.

If your bringing a girl go to a scary movie. Its a good reason to get close...aka cuddle...not sex. I worked at a theater and saw too many condoms. People like that should die.

sex in an empty theater is actually quite exciting... or even in a very crowded theater, LOL!!!
Mechagodzilla said:
You sound like a five-year-old talking about searching for the boogeyman in his closet.
It's not like the penis is going to pop out of the screen and hit you in the face.
I'm still wetting myself laughing!
Gramps said:
I'll jump in here on this one as I may be one of the few people who have actuallly seen the movie....and I could care less what people think of of the few benefits (other than the senior discount) of surviving into one's seventh decade of life.

All the grandchildren have gathered here for the holidays....well the're not really children any longer...all in their mid-to-late twenties with lives of their own! Friday they suggested we go out to a movie.....the wife and I were out voted and ended up sitting through "Brokeback Mountain".

Anyone who suggests this movie has any relation to the Hollywood Western film genre hasn't a clue. This movie takes place about a century later than when Traditional Westerns are set. While ranching is the profession of the two main characters, to say "Brokeback Mt." is a Western would be like asserting a "Harry Potter" movie is a porno film !

The movie is decidedly a love story...between two a time and a place when publicly declaring "feelings" for another man was taboo. I must admit to some "squirming" during some of the scenes as I am not entirely comfortble with the theme. However there was a nice bit of acting by the entire cast.....and I did come away with an appreciation for the whole challenge of "coming out of the closet" and the immense courage it must take to face ones homosexuality in a culture that makes no room for love between two adults of the same sex.

I've always thought that those who are the most vociferous with their anti- gay protestations are hiding something deep down within, much like the protagonists in "Brokeback Mt."....perhaps these folks have an incident in their past that they are ashamed of, or are currently struggling with their own sexuality !

Personally, I think a bunch of grown men playing pirates is rather gay...but....YMMV !


Wisdom has spoken

....the ensuing ''argument'' :laugh:

Rat Finkenstein said:
An ancient homosexual phucktard liked the movie? Not much of a surprise there. The film probably gave his withered gonads a brief flicker of sensation before drooping once again, for the final time.

Gramps said:
Not half the flicker you get every time mommy changes your "nappy".....little "Chicklet Boy" !!! :E


Rat Finkenstein said:
That isnt a "flicker", that is what is known in the business as a "Raging boner"
Of course you already are well aquainted with those, considering that time you spent as a fluffer for 29 "all-shemale gangbang" movies. :E

Gramps said:
..........not to be overshadowed by your "long standing" involvment and participation in the farm animal video business. Rumor has it your particulaly fond of poodles ! By the way......anyone else think "The Little Chicklet Boy" looks remarakably like Cartman with a few extra pounds and a few extra years ?.....crying yet !!!???:E


Rat Finkenstein said:
I am crying. . . tears of joy at finally being recognized for my hard work on all those "poodle pound" films. I thought nobody watched those. I guess you are a true connoisseur of sick fetish video! I should have expected no less from the man who once starred in "Hemorrhoids 3: Knobby Ass-phuck Bukkake Festival" :E
I might look as you describe, but I am a kickass dancer and you are just jealous!

(talking about a line in his sig)
Gramps said:
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
........I'm certain you got this off a tatoo on someones rump. I've read your way are you familiar with the ancient Greeks unless it's with their rather peculiar habit of intimacy with goats. That's it !!!......your pet goat's named Euripides.....and then your familiarity with "Euripides" goes only as far as the goat's backside !........"hiddy ho 'Little Chicklet Boy' ".:E


Rat Finkenstein said:
So this is the last resort when you lack anything witty to say? a lame attempt at an insult? the only Greek you know is some swarthy fellow you sucked off for $1 in a bus stop restroom.

You can't even spell "Hidey-Ho", "Tattoo", or "Chiclet". . .

Read my lips. . .

Gramps said:
...............made you cry didn't I little chicklet boy !!! ????:D ....I was certain that it was just a matter of time before you wet your pants in public.......we all suspected you have a tiny bladder and no self control !!::D :D :D shoot your mouth off but you can't keep up !

Rat Finkenstein said:
I always wanted to ask an old incontinent fool which is the best brand of adult undergarments? Which do you find to be the most absorbant? Do you shit yourself as well, or just piss? Does pulling your pants up to your armpits relieve bladder pressure?:rolleyes:

Gramps said:
silenthunterstudios said:
Popcorns ready!:thumbup: :D
Sorry to diappoint but I have a feeling the shows over....just when the entertainment was getting good ! Years ago when I taught at one of the local community colleges on occasion I would run into someone like my antagonist here......foul mouthed, emotionally "stuck"......preoccupied with bowel functions. Inevitably they couldn't take the heat and disappeared........and I was forced to give them an "Incomplete" as a final grade ! It was an apropos evaluation in more ways than one !;)

Rat Finkenstein said:
LOL! I must have hit a nerve with the doddering old fart. He can't come up with anything fresh, just mindless, poorly spelled nonsense. Maybe it's a sign that alzheimers is finally setting in? Is calling me "chicklet boy" an insult? :D


Rat Finkenstein said:
Gramps said:
Sorry to diappoint but I have a feeling the shows over....just when the entertainment was getting good ! Years ago when I taught at one of the local community colleges on occasion I would run into someone like my antagonist here......foul mouthed, emotionally "stuck"......preoccupied with bowel functions. Inevitably they couldn't take the heat and disappeared........and I was forced to give them an "Incomplete" as a final grade ! It was an apropos evaluation in more ways than one !;)
are you saying you got into W&C style flame wars with a student at a community college? Thats some funny shit!:E

Gramps said:
.............oh no son.......I wouldn't dare to insult you......what you really hold is my pity !!


Rat Finkenstein said:
LOL! If I took it upon myself to pity you, I would pity you so hard your head would explode!
Consider yourself lucky, SUCKA!

Crushenator 500 said:
the ensuing ''argument'' :laugh:
That is quite possibly the lamest flame war I've ever read.

And kudos to Gyllenhaal and Ledger for taking up their respective roles.
I'm thinking:

Brokeback Mountain: [BANNED BY CENSORS]

most likely. :p
This movie is ****ing overrated, it's like the film industry or everybody is shoving homosexuals in our faces now.
TBH, I hope it cleans up at the Oscars just like it did at the Golden Globes. America needs a serious kick in the ass in terms of their regard for homosexuality and gay rights. I am so sick of the prurient elders in the government dictating what is right and what is wrong for other people's love life just because their religion (they claim) dictates one behavior over another.

Once society becomes more comfortable with homosexuality and looks on it as they would heterosexual love, then hopefully laws will start to change and people will be more accepting of other differences as well.

Well, I can dream can't I???