Gay Negro Association of America

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Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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Wut? :|
it's a joke site (not a very good one) ..they also have this site:


they sound like a bunch of annoying assholes imho

wiki said:
The Gay ****** Association of America (abbreviated GNAA) is a troll organization that primarily targets Internet communities in an effort to cause havoc and disrupt their normal activities. [citation needed] Although it is termed "Association of America", the organization has members from all over the world. [citation needed]

Members engage in such activities as flooding weblogs, producing shock sites, prank-calling technical support telephone lines, and IRC channel disruption such as IRC floods. [citation needed] These actions have occasionally interrupted the normal operation of popular websites such as, even forcing some websites to shut down temporarily. [citation needed] As such, targeted communities generally consider GNAA members a nuisance and frequently respond with technological and social anti-trolling measures such as moderation systems to limit future disruption. [citation needed]******_Association_of_America

oh and I wouldnt poke around their site if I were you (especially if you're at work):

from one of their sites:

wiki said:
The main page plays a voice using the Flash plugin shouting, "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" at a high volume, while various famous shock site images move around in popup windows, bouncing off the sides of the screen.

No really, my sides are being stitched shut as I type this.

Not really.
Dont go to the website and click on "members" unless you are REALLY wondering what random pictures are there..

My brother used to be a high-ranking member of the Gay ******s Association of America.

I've never spoken to him since.
old.... and not really the most appropriate thread in the world, so even though cb already removed the links... *closed*
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