GCFScape and Texture.wad



Greetings all:

I'm an old Worldcraft bizatch looking to get into some HL2 DM mapping, and I'm running into problems finding the actual texture.wad file. Now before you go slingin' a toilet at me, I've searched the forums and pulled down GCFScape, so I can see the compressed files; however, I cannot locate a .wad file in any of the directories and compressed files therein.

Can anyone assist me on this? I'd also like to recommend that someone put out a video tutorial devoted to setting Hammer up.

Ok, sling your toilets . . .
Do more searching and you will find that hl2 does not use .wad files.

There are lots of tuts on pulling textures out of a .wad if thats your goal also.
* s i g h *

Well that's good to know, since every document I've stumbled across on configuration refers to the .wad file . . . back to the search engine and thanks
Every document you've stumbled across has been for goldsrc mapping. ;)
Hammer comes all configured for mapping for hl2, dm and css as long as you have the corresponding game installed to the point where you can play it.