GCSE results out tomorrow

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
I'm a bit worried to be honest :(

Good luck to all others getting that envelope tomorrow, I'm sure you'll do fine :)
Good luck to you all!!
God that was a long time ago...:p
Yeah, best of luck to you. Are you going to college?

(Can I come to Ellen's Party?)
err no not invited lol and i wouldnt go anyway i wanna share my results with everyone
Nah, I'm staying on in my school's Sixth Form, mainly due to the fact I wouldn't work in College at all. Tony, it's in the evening you fool, actually it might not be great, but still, meh

(mebbe Feath ;) )
General Certificate of Secondary Education.

They are the exams you take when you leave secondary School.

(I got 3 As, 1 B and 6 Cs)
^ Bingo! He's right you know.... we have SATS too, but I think they are different :P

I hope I get As in the subjects I wanna do for A-lev ^_^
Secondary school.. like Junior high?

We never took placement tests in our schools, untill we LEFT school(SAT at the end of highschool). They put all the stupid kids with us smart kids, when I went. I hated school, so I dropped out. I didn't get anything out of it. I am now in college going into my 4th semester with a 4.0 GPA(thats perfect), and I dropped out after the 9th grade. Shows you how useless the public school system is in America. I get better grades than the kids who FINISHED highschool.
Ah! Dont talk about exams now! i just started a new school today. We were only talking about all the gear will will get (laptop/backback for it) so im happy to start school! But that will change soon...very soon.
I need a new backpack for sixth form.. and loadsa new books and stuff :) I'm actually looking forward to going there, but not to my exam results :P
Can you explain the differant lvls of school? im a little lost

In america it goes

kindergarten- usually your first year of official school unless your had "pre-school"

elementry school- normally grades 1-5

middle school- normally grades 6-8

high school- normally grades 9-12

and then all types of higher education like college....depending on what your trying to do.

and after that you have Graduate school.
in the uk, its:

infant school - reception through to year 2
junior school - year 3 through year 6
high school - year 7 through year 11
college and then uni
Roight, here goes, this is what I went thru:

(I went to pre-school)

[Primary School]
Year R (you don't have to do this)
Years 1 -6
[/Primary School]

[Secondary School]
Years 7 - 11
[/Secondary School]
(right, at this point compulsory eduction ends)

then you have lots of choices post-16
1. You can go to Sixth Form college
2. You can go to College
3. Or stay on at school, and do Sixth Form there

I'm doing Sixth form at my school :)
....and i'm shittin my results by the way.....good luck to everyone else
You getting GCSEs tomorrow two?

Btw, I'm gonna post my results on here for everyone to see :P
i'm not, cos i don't think i'll enjoy repeating the letter F over and over
You know someone I knew a while ago got FUDGE on his GCSEs. It actually said "FUDGE" on the form, it was in that order.

As someone remarked, "He fudged his GCSEs, litterary".

But I'm sure you'll guys do better than that.
yeah... ;( i sure hope I pass em all...

best of luck to you DoppelGofer :D... I'm sure you'll do fine :cheers:

(and thanks to all who wished me luck :) )