Ge force6600GT problem


Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Hi I have just upgraded from an fx5200 to a Sparkle geforce6600GT card(128MB).It seemed to install Ok but my PC is now crashing to a black screen when playing counterstrike(and farcry too).And it will not recover so I have to reset my system.

I am looking for a bit of advice on what could be causing it(I should say I uninstalled the old drivers and card then installed the card and the latest Nvidia drivers).

Ive played with the BIOS settings and have set the following

Primay graphics adapter set to AGP
Enabled Fast write
AGP Aperture size 64MB

And my system is a AMD athlon 3200XP(400MHZ) with 750MB RAM running XP

Any help would be much appreciated
disable fast write... that did it for me.. but then again i have a 9800 pro... but you could try :D
This error happenes to me sometimes when I play EQ2 but not with CS S.
Try turning down the AGP speed, there is almost no preformance difference at all. Maybe that will steady it out.
I think I may have solved the problem.I had both the hard drive and graphics card on the same leg of the power supply(its 400w).Ive split them now and have just played for 2 hours solid with no crashes.

It may be psychological but I dont seem to be able to hit anything now my scores have gone from evens to about 4:1 against.

Ive taken a few screenshots with the netgraph but I dont really understand them(even with the guide) so if anyone can suggest any tweaks I would be grateful.

Obviously now CS has turned all my details up high,it plays a lot smoother but in game my fps varies from around 50fps to 80fps whereas it got 97 in the stress test.Is this normal for this type of card
Heh, don't worry about how many FPS your getting. That's great what you're getting now. About the net_graph thing, mine doesn't have the line graph thinger on there; it's just numbers.
You shouldn't have to limit your AGP speed so leave it at 8x. Make sure fastwrites are off, they do nothing and actually can be a performance hit. Also, set your agp aperture size to twice the size of the memory on your card (256mb limit).

Never share a HDD power lead with your video card - as you discovered!

Also, make sure you are running the latest drivers from either nVidia, or performance drivers like the DNAs or Omega's...
mikey388 said:
It may be psychological but I dont seem to be able to hit anything now my scores have gone from evens to about 4:1 against.

I wouldn't worry about that mate, it is most likely psychological. If you are used to much lower graphics settings, resolution etc it can take a while to get used to it. The new graphics card won't have altered your reg in any way, only the graphics will have changed. Before you know it you will be back to your even scores, so sit back and enjoy the new graphical splendour
