Gears of War: Unreal Engine 3.0 in action!


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Unfortunately I haven't got a direct link to the trailer, however if you go the and scroll down the page till you spot the Gears of War trailer, you will be able to see the unreal engine 3.0 in action.

So this is the secret project that Epic Games was creating, and will be available for XB360, however there is no news about it appearing on PC. I don't really mind, as this is what I was after, an idea of the scale and graphical beuty that Unreal Tournament will be rendered in.
This is pretty old, well the trailer I'm not sure of(They have to many users, so I can't access it) but the fact of the game, there was a trailer of it on MTVs website too.
Do remember that this was shown on the PC as a part of the previous UE3 techdemos as far as I know.:)
So it'll prolly appear on the PC.
The trailer is from last nights X-Box press conference, and it is beautiful indeed. There is more UE3 footage in the PS3 press conference as well.
Gargantou said:
Do remember that this was shown on the PC as a part of the previous UE3 techdemos as far as I know.:)
So it'll prolly appear on the PC.

Parts of the level design as well as some creatures. I thought they were going to be in Unreal3, silly mistake.

As for old news, I did not see any previous topics on this forum so I provided. Soz if it has

qckbeam said:
There is more UE3 footage in the PS3 press conference as well.
The trailer that is on and IGN is new and very, very exciting. If you want a true indication of what the X360 is capable of at this time, you're best best off watching anything Gears of War related.

Also, I'll be unveiling something very exciting regarding this project very soon ;)
For the love of all that is sacred, KEEP YOUR TROUSERS ON!
the graphics look good, but the actual gameplay doesnt look anything special at all... Watch when their actually shooting and stuff, looks pretty standard.
wow i didnt know people showed ACTUAL footage, what a revolutionary concept. gears of war, ghost recon 3, call of duty, morrowind are all on my to-get list for the xbox 360. so far the graphics are better than anything i've seen, but i'll hope they can be topped by the revolution.
Zerimski said:
Also, I'll be unveiling something very exciting regarding this project very soon ;)

Didn't a staff member say something like this ages ago about an interview with some HL2 guy, and it didn't materialise till the next blue moon? :p

May not have been an interview, and I don't think it was you who said it, but still ;) :p

Is it a personal announcement or a site one?
gh0st said:
morrowind are all on my to-get list for the xbox 360.

You can play MW on the Xbox :|

Unless of course you were refering to Oblivion :cheers: