`Gears' to be "all 300-y"


Dec 6, 2004
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Certainly the most intellectual quote of the day. Anyhow, the Gears of War movie is being angled to be produced in similar fashion to 300, i.e. everything is to be shot on green/blue screen with all of the environment to be added later.

I certainly don't like the sound of it. 300 pulled this off nicely (or rather, nicer then most movies) due to its unique visual style. GoW, whilst artistically sound lacks any particular style to speak of. It's gothic horror set-wise.

I love GoW, but this movie sounds really bad to me.
Haven't played GoW, but I guess that'll be a good move. Otherwise it'll turn into most videogame-based movies that fail at the script. If it'll be 300-y, there's not much script needed.
Never played GoW but it's pretty obvious the story sucked the big one. You can count on a pretty shitty film.
I'll give it a go through once it gets released on the PC, but the multiplayer doesn't appeal to me at all.
If it's anywhere near as extreme as 300, I'll go and watch it. But somehow I doubt it will be.
It could be ****ing grim. Chainsaw deaths, blood all over the lens ftw :)
I wouldn't mind a few hours of exaggerated violence with loads of gory Locust deaths, tbh, no matter how lame the story is.
Without much a distinctive art style a la TF2 (which would be a hilarious animated movie) I can't see this working very well.
I can see it being pulled off nicely.
And tbh, that's the only way I imagined the Gears movie was going to be filmed as.

Wouldn't work any other way.
As long as it's the gore-fest the game turned out to be I don't care how shitty everything else is.
Without much a distinctive art style a la TF2 (which would be a hilarious animated movie) I can't see this working very well.

I believe the word you were looking for was cartoony, because almost every game is distinct visually. Gears of War wasn't quite horror, and it wasn't quite gothic, but it was dark. The architecture had a very clean and sophisticated look, while the soldiers were very gritty and serious. The weaponry seemed to be almost archaic compared to what we see today in video games. The movie should look great if they take an art direction similar to 300.
300 was pretty lame.

In conclusion, this movie now sucks twice as hard.
The movie should look great if they take an art direction similar to 300.

The "art" direction from 300 eh. You mean brownish colors, excessive use of bloom/glow, and irritating contrasts?:x
Without much a distinctive art style a la TF2 (which would be a hilarious animated movie) I can't see this working very well.

A TF2 film would be all kinds of awesome.

If the Gears film tries to have a plot beyond "let's go kill the bad guys" and doesn't involve a ridiculous amount of gore then it'll be rubbish. I would go to see it just for an insane bloodbath though.