Geek/h4x0rz test

Just got to 14, I think there's 1 more level. Had to install a decompiler.
This is neat, it kind of teaches you how to read the code.
View>Source is where to look for the password.

I'm stuck on 3...
can someone tell my very un-computer-savvy brother how to view the source code?
Right click, view source...
I've done this before, it's really boring
It's not even remotely close to real hacking...
You can just enter a blank password to get rid of that prompt, then refresh the page to try again when you have obtained the password.
Ikerous said:
Right click, view source...
I've done this before, it's really boring
It's not even remotely close to real hacking...
my brother loves you.
W00t! Beat 14, that one was really hard. Had to mess with the code, and was kinda plain lucky.
thats lovely, yes i am still stuck on 2
, cant figure out what javasctript is equal too !! it asliek m1 = javascript however i can figure out what javascript is equal too

haha lol i i cna believe i didnt see that

Done 3
Lol I've got to four now. Have to do something with hexadecimals. Too lazy to convert it lol
Beerdude26 said:
Lol I've got to four now. Have to do something with hexadecimals. Too lazy to convert it lol
Go to google, search for something random, then replace that word in the url with the hexadecimals. It'll convert it for you
I'm stuck on 15. Don't know how to disable my browser from password prompting with .htaccess files.
Ikerous said:
Go to google, search for something random, then replace that word in the url with the hexadecimals. It'll convert it for you
Did that with like five sites. Didn't work. LAZYNESS FTW \0/ !
If you use IE for level 2(it recommends it so I decided to instead of Firefox) when you right click it says not that easy. Maybe you're just supposed to use a different browser?
ríomhaire said:
If you use IE for level 2(it recommends it so I decided to instead of Firefox) when you right click it says not that easy. Maybe you're just supposed to use a different browser?
You can view the source of pages by going to the url with view-source: in front of it



Nat Turner said:
I'm stuck on 15. Don't know how to disable my browser from password prompting with .htaccess files.
gimme the link so i can try :)
Ikerous said:
Thats the username and password
but the password is encrypted -_-

Do you know how it's encrypted?


I think it's a php function
Nat Turner said:
Do you know how it's encrypted?
Nope :) I'm pretty sure all htaccess files encrypt the passwords the same way though
Ikerous said:
Nope :) I'm pretty sure all htaccess files encrypt the passwords the same way though

Yeah I can figure this out, would just have to install a php server thing and find a dictionary file. I'm too lazy right now tho lol.