Geek or nerd?


Aug 8, 2003
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Are you a geek or a nerd?

Can anyone explain the difference? And please dont quote the dictionary, thats so parsay :angel:

I consider myself a geek as im interested in technology, science and stuff. Nerds seem to conjour up images of spotty teenagers with pens in their to pocket.
I prefer the term "Gamer" It sounds cooler - But I'm not too clever, I don't have a 'nerdish' appearance etc. I just like games :D
I don't care what you call me, none of those words have any negative meanings that I don't agree with about myself.
nerd = a programmer, someone who knows eveyrthing about computers

geek = fan of sci-fi and fantasy entertainment in all forms as well as video games and various other geeky things like miniatures for example

personally I'm a huuuuuge geek.
Well, i am just an average student with an interest in technology :p

Okay, call me geek.
^average a$$

wait now its just turning into rate person above you
Thread needs poll.

I consider myself a useful geek. I know enough about computers that I can help out with stuff, but I also enjoy sci-fi and the like.
I see what you did thar
... I didn't do anything. I was yelling at Samon for being mean to you for no reason. Know what? FINE if you are not going to appreciate it, get out of here average idiot!
I agree, can a mod add a poll with the options Geek, Nerd, What did you call me?
how bout neek- my mum cools nerdy/geeky girls neeks, cos she teaches at a girls school. i think i'm just a gamer who is interested in technology, but isnt obssessed with programming and what size glasses i should wear today.

i have gordon freeman's glasses! woot!

EDIT: add neek to poll!
I always thought a nerd had to do with intelligence and geek was more of a fanboy/girl or gamer.
nerd = a programmer, someone who knows eveyrthing about computers

geek = fan of sci-fi and fantasy entertainment in all forms as well as video games and various other geeky things like miniatures for example

personally I'm a huuuuuge geek.

guess im half and half.
That makes you slightly geeky.

meh. probably. not much. i actually have a fashion sense. my glasses are actually quite cool. i may have lied about them being his glasses. they just look mildly similar. the reason i mentioned them is becuase i got them 3 days ago. they're my first proper pair
There are many types of geeks. Some tend not to be called as such.

A geek is someone who has great in-depth knowledge of an area well beyond that of the average person and generally spend a lot of their time thinking about/doing things related to it.

So you can get computer geeks, film geeks, comic book geeks, and of course a whole host that people rarely refer to as geeks, such as literature geeks, art geeks, sports geeks, music geeks etc.
To me a geek is just someone who is a big fan of..whatever, and knows alot about it.

A nerd to me is someone who excels in education in any form.

Nerds are the kind of people that you take the piss out of in school/college/uni, but inevitably end up working for one.

Im a geek of certain TV series, games and computers.
i'm a nerd, a geek, a stoner, a hippie, an intellectual, a bro, a gamer, a bookworm, a slacker, a socialite, and any other number of labels depending on context and company.
I prefer the term "Gamer" It sounds cooler - But I'm not too clever, I don't have a 'nerdish' appearance etc. I just like games :D

Gamer is the stupidest sounding thing ever. Whenever I say I like games that comes up. It just sounds so... bad.
I don't care what you call me, none of those words have any negative meanings that I don't agree with about myself.

Quit calling me a nerd, because it means everything to me! I'm not the one into all the nerdy anime!

<runs away crying>
i'm a nerd, a geek, a stoner, a hippie, an intellectual, a bro, a gamer, a bookworm, a slacker, a socialite, and any other number of labels depending on context and company.

Want to go play some Gamecube?
I am most positive that I am a Bipedal.
I'm not a nerd!

...nerds are GODDAMN YOU RIZZO D<
I'm a geek because I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. If anyone called me geek, meaning it to be an insult, I'd take it as a compliment! I'm proud of my geekiness!
i'm a nerd, a geek, a stoner, a hippie, an intellectual, a bro, a gamer, a bookworm, a slacker, a socialite, and any other number of labels depending on context and company.

I'm a picker, a grinner, a lover, a sinner. I play my music in the sun. I'm a joker, a smoker, a midnight toker. I get my lovin' on the run.

That aside, what does 'studying astrophysics' count as?
I once heard that geeks are exactly the same as nerds, only difference being that geeks are successful, whereas nerds still live in their mom's basement with no job. Similarly, they might have a job, but it's only some minimum wage job like McDonald's or Best Buy. Just enough to pay for their obsession of choice whether it's to pay for the Xbox Live service or to buy more Star Wars figurines.

Geeks can have the same obsessions as nerds, but they don't let it get in the way of their careers or social life. If their obession IS their career, and they actually make good money at it, but at the same time they have no outside social life because of it, then that just makes them a dork.

Dweebs on the other hand are just like nerds, but they have none of the positive traits geeks have, so this makes being a dweeb worse than even a nerd.
I always figured the primary difference between a geek and a nerd was regarding social skills.