Geforce 4 ti question..


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
i bought a Geforce 4 ti card the first week they were out.. ever since then i've not had any problems and have been quite pleased with the card.

now my questions is concerning the direct x9 vs 8 discussion.. i know the fx cards are aimed at dx 9, but are the ti cards, like the one i have capable of dx 9?

honestly, i didnt want to upgrade my card until another generation or so, but is it gonna look like crap running hl2?

i find this hard to belive seeing how good other games run, but after everything that was said..

any info would greatly help, thx..
hey, its dx 9 man!!! i can play all dx9 games so far with my geforce 4...ati propaganda crap...

its gonna look great, maybe no shiny surfaces but i dont mind.
Originally posted by RadiuS
hey, its dx 9 man!!! i can play all dx9 games so far with my geforce 4...ati propaganda crap...

its gonna look great, maybe no shiny surfaces but i dont mind.

The gf4 is not a dx9 suporting card.......please stay out of the hardware forums from now on :p
i got dx 9 and a geforce 4 and can play games where i needed to download dx 9 for! (breed, commandos 3, cant think of more now). But youre probably right in that those special dx 9 features are not usable with gf4s, so yeah.
But anyway, my main point was that it will look good with a gf4.

A ti4200 WILL NOT run with DX9 features enabled. Yes, there are games that require DX9 that it will run, but this is for sound...There are no currently released games that I know of that use DX9 spec graphics. And installing DX9 doesn't do anything...A graphics card being DX9 compatible has to do with what the card ITSELF is able to do, and what features it has, not what you have installed on the computer.

this is right i think. my bad.
i have gf4 ti4600 and it runs great, its a dx 8 card ofcourse, but i have the latest dx9 installed. no problems, runs very well.
- i believe its the best card nvidia ever made.