Sorry to do this, but I asked in my previous post and it has since been drowned by other threads. I just wondered if anybody could advise me on the ideal HL2 settings for my system and, more importantly, on the relationship between resolution and AA and antio (sp?). I have as follows:
Athlon 2600+
512 RAM
120Gb HDD
GeForce 6600GT 128Mb
I know that having all high settings is not working smoothly, but at what res can I have lower AA and antio settings and not really notice. Similarly, might it be better to have high AA and antio settings and a lower res? What do you think?
Athlon 2600+
512 RAM
120Gb HDD
GeForce 6600GT 128Mb
I know that having all high settings is not working smoothly, but at what res can I have lower AA and antio settings and not really notice. Similarly, might it be better to have high AA and antio settings and a lower res? What do you think?