GeForce 6600GT Settings

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Sorry to do this, but I asked in my previous post and it has since been drowned by other threads. I just wondered if anybody could advise me on the ideal HL2 settings for my system and, more importantly, on the relationship between resolution and AA and antio (sp?). I have as follows:
Athlon 2600+
512 RAM
120Gb HDD
GeForce 6600GT 128Mb

I know that having all high settings is not working smoothly, but at what res can I have lower AA and antio settings and not really notice. Similarly, might it be better to have high AA and antio settings and a lower res? What do you think?


i havnt used the omega drivers but they cant be that good to get you playing with all on high and with AA etc up high. i dont play with AA on and have every thing on high except for textures, models and reflections just to make sure its super smooth all the time and ive got:

Athlon 64 2800+
1gb DDR-400
Geforce 6600 GT OC.

i mean there is a reason why people are paying 300 quid for graphics cards like the 6800 and the x800, and why people pay 400 for something like a 3500 athlon 64 fx.

those drivers are gona have to be bloody good to make your spec run with everything maxed out AND keep an acceptable framerate. but if they do...ill be downloading them. so let me know :)