Geforce 8800 Numbers


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Here are some fairly reliable numbers from the same source who was spot on with previous numbers (eg RV570, RV560, G71) before they got launched:

3DM05 / 3DM06
8800GTX 16909 / 11843
8800GTS 15233 / 10071
7950GX2 12931 / 8781
1950XTX 11866 / 7007
1950PRO 10044 / 5600

No specs of the system were given, but all the cards ran on the same system.

even TheInq reported that the G80 hit about 12K in 3DMark 06

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Alright, this confirms that I don't have to feel bad about my upcoming x1950pro once the G80 is out.
It's a bit biased, but it never lies or something. Though they do post rumors as facts sometimes.
They never lie ? Are you freaking kidding me ? I have never seen a site lie more and have more bias than those morons.

If I ever read something on there I will triple-check it.
They don't LIE but they do post hunches and rumors. But it is based on something or news that they heard. Sometimes it doesn't turn out like they thought because either it wasn't what it looked like or the company changed their mind. Othertimes they hit the nail on the head big time. (AMD/ATI) And everyone says... yeah right.
Well they are just rumored numbers. They could be true or they could be false or they could change (driver update).
It isn't a game so 3Dmark numbers are hard to comment on TBH.
The 2006 numbers look pretty good although, considering the Nvidia hardware recently displayed with unified shaders and specs, the numbers might be a bit low from what I would expect. But then again new hardware doesn't show the improvement over old hardware nearly as well on old benchmarks. You can see that on 3dmark 2005 vs 2006. What about 2007 games?