Geforce FX5700LE


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Apart from all the talk about the ATI x800...

Is this a pretty good card for seeing good results from Half-Life 2?
Because right now I have a GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8X, and I am able to play the game at the cards best.

So my question is, will the FX5700LE show the best of HL2 graphics?
(the water effects, etc.)

And yes I am on the low range of the cost.

::Anton :cheers:
Yea, that card will run it perfectly fine, just don't expect all the eyecandy.
RTFMy said:
Yea, that card will run it perfectly fine, just don't expect all the eyecandy.

Hmmm....eye candy like what sort?

I believe the FX5700 runs Half-Life 2 in DirectX 8.1 mode, thus leaving out water reflections (although that can be patched) and some minor visual improvements that DirectX 9 can offer. Don't be discouraged though -- Half-Life 2 will still look and run great on that card :)

Buy a 9600 XT, or Pro, whichever one(not the SE). They will allow you to run HL2 at a good rate, on DirectX9 mode, whereas the 5700LE runs on DX8 mode(only in HL2, other games its DX9). Also, the FX cards were one of the biggest failures in video card history, they were just plain terrible compared to the competition.
Also, avoid anything thats LE or SE, they are stripped down versions of the cards and not worth your money, they are just trying to rip you off.
Yea get a 9600XT, I had that card before I got my bfg 6800nu and it was a great card. I goes for around 150. or if you have 200 you should get the 9800pro

remember the fx series dont run the source engine very well...