General mulitplayer problemo


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Kk, so I've had loads of problems with my mulitpplayer games (specifically source) in the past, and now I'm gonna ask for help.
First, my mulitplayer for HL1 (TF:C, DoD, CS) worked fine for ages, then one day (couple of days ago actually) it happened. Whenever I try to join a game it comes up with "you have been discontteced client timed out while answering a challenege" then takes me back to menu.

On my Source (CS:S, DoD, The Ship, TF:2 -proboaly), it simply comes up with "Cannot contact master server" and whenever I try to create a game it says :"connection failed after 4 retrys".

Is this summat to do with my interent (BT Yahoo Broadband) or my security (Norton internet security) or do I just need to reinstall my games?
Please help. Please. Dudes.
Try deleting your Clientregistry.blob :
Exit Steam. Delete the clientregistry.blob in the main Steam folder and the platform.gcf file in the Steamapps folder. But make a backup of them first by copying them in another folder! Now restart Steam.
Its not there, I've only got Steamapps and all my HL1 Mods tehre. Nothing else.(and various readmes, uninstalls,exes. etc.)