Geometry Wars 2


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

The first Geometry Wars was fun, but for casual players like me, it was basically waiting 3 minutes for it to get intense, and then dying. This one takes everything that was fun about the first one and adds variety - bouncing back and forth between the six modes keeps things almost frighteningly addictive. And there are even MORE COLORS now. The COLORS, Duke, THE COLORS!

So yeah, it's good.
I don't think my eyes will be able to take any more colours.

But cool all the same.

EDIT: And now I have the tune in my head. Goddamnit.
I loved the geometry wars on the Xbox 360! It was challenging and fun!
Seems pretty cool. I noticed when I was playing the trial that, although it's more or less fundamentally the same as GW1, I was doing a lot better than I ever did on that. And then I realized why - I can actually see what's happening. It's still just as colourful and spectacular as the first (maybe more so), but they must have muted the brightness a bit or something so it's not such an unintelligible mishmash of lasers and explosions. It's still mayhem, but discernible mayhem. Disregarding all of the extras, that alone makes it completely superior to the first game. :P
Haw, got 500 free points from MS somehow which brought me to exactly 800, so I grabbed this. Pretty fun. Also frustrating. But mostly fun. And frustrating.

Achievements were surprisingly easy though, probably because they aren't all focussed on massive scores like the first one. Only played for a few hours and I've already unlocked everything except the two for sequence mode (which is insanely difficult). Getting Wax Off was a hair-pulling experience, but it can't have been more than 20 straight minutes of blue-faced screaming and controller throwing.

Now to top all of my friend's scores. ^_______^