Geometry Wars highscores

The Brick

Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
Cmon, I know you're hooked.

I just scored 282,195


Beat that! :D
ive gotten 3,565,460 on xbox live beat that. If u dont beleive me added my on live B1it5
My friend, Sgt Vindicare, on 360, has two million and something. The highest I got was around 70 thousand and something.
gahh.. this game is so hard, it keeps you hooked though. To try and try again. My highgest is 102,568. I hate those purple and green ones...
Does the PC version have the Pacifist mode, where you don't shoot for a minute and it gives you a bonus? I'm not sure how it would work because on the 360 version you get an Achievement which indicates the minute, so...

Either way, It's harder than it sounds.

keep in mind I've only played for a few days.

Also, I think the pc one is the xbox one from the video's I've seen. It's a lot harder to get a large field behind you then bomb them, especially since monsters have a tendency to spawn right next to you
I'd be interested if anyone with that high of a score on the 360 would tell us what they think of the pc one :p
First time I've played this game (had a few tries at the cheapo PC attempt a while back though) and sat at 300k for a bit, just beat it though with 666,000 D:.
I'd be interested if anyone with that high of a score on the 360 would tell us what they think of the pc one :p

What's the difference? Pretty simplistic games... sort of. Just lots of bright lights and LSD explosions. :P
well even subtle tweaks like where monsters spawn and how fast can have a drastic impact on your score
Oh, I got a question!

Does the bug still exist where if snakes spawn on top of you, it's insta-death?

It was a bug in the 360 version. Normally all monsters give you a second or two where they don't kill you to give you time to react to their spawning, but snakes lack that code (devs said they forgot to copy/paste it and it made it through QA).
well even subtle tweaks like where monsters spawn and how fast can have a drastic impact on your score

As soon as you pass 2000 points, it doesn't really matter; you can't see where they are spawning. :P Just a mass of bright lights.
funny, havent played the game since my 186000 score, I decided to play a game and I got to this 230,000! woot.
Me recording a game with fraps. But it made it run slow so I didn't go at my best. I got 215.000 this time.

I'm using mouse/keyboard with the target control.

You get a crosshair on the PC version? Right. :|
Ah, fair enough then. Was gonna say.
the target mode is teh best. :D I've only got like 200 something thousand. I'm NO good at this game :(