George Broussard on VU blocking the steam authentication

Who the hell is George Broussard?
Raziaar said:
Who the hell is George Broussard?

He's the main dude at 3D Realms.....the guys who are supposedly making Duke Nukem Forever.
He's the guy who's been stringing gamers on for decades about the existence of Duke Nukem Forever.

By default i'd like to see an orangutang rape him, but I agree with him on his recent '**** you' statement.
Figures that GB would make such a wonderfully intelligent comment. :rolleyes:
I wonder if VU actually thinks the gaming community will buy anything from them in the future.
George B is one of the people I'd have round for dinner if I could have 10 famous people round.
DNF will outperform outdone and outEngine HALF LIFE2.

GO 3drealms/Valve!
Maybe Vivendi changes their mind now, everybody's going mad ;)
Xrenity said:
Maybe Vivendi changes their mind now, everybody's going mad ;)

i doubt it :p its all down to money, if u was goin to buy it on tues but could play it now on steam, i think u would be pretty tempted :p thus lossin VG a retail sale
people seriously need to quit bitching. wait two friggin damned days... its seriously not that big of a deal...
:LOL: He speaks for us all.

True, it's not that big a deal, but Vivendi are still assholes for insisting that it be held to a certain date when it's already in stores.
Wish he would release a screenshot for DNF... actually scrap that, just the game... and soon dammit!!!
Well atleast we all know now why poor old valve can't activate HL2 for us. Its bl**dy vivendis fault. :frown:
cant see VU releasing it early. They must have ads in magazines & newspapers with "available Nov 16th" theyre not going to change now. It might also give valve an advantage with steam sales if some places stick to the original release date.

Hl2 on tuesday its not that far away.
denlife7 said:
Wish he would release a screenshot for DNF... actually scrap that, just the game... and soon dammit!!!
Oh, I'm not gonna chase another title for a long time. Definitely. I was impressed by the last DNF trailer back in 2001, but it's old stuff now.

There are tons of cool games coming out this month: EQ 2, WoW, NFSU2, Bloodlines... and hopefully Valve will release additional content soon.
haha the guy hasn't got anything to do so he wants to play a game
2 mmorpgs, a decent racing game and a possibly great game, doesnt seem like heaps of great games.

maybe because i hate mmorpgs. maybe because they are crap.
Black Mesa corp said:
Well atleast we all know now why poor old valve can't activate HL2 for us. Its bl**dy vivendis fault. :frown:

It is not Vivendi's fault. Its the fault of shops selling the game early, and the fault of expectant gamers applying moral pressure to release the game because of this.

The game will be out on the 16th. Everyone has known that for ages, if you expect it to be released earlier just because you bought a game from a shop that shouldn't be selling it, you're an idiot.
Parrot of doom said:
It is not Vivendi's fault. Its the fault of shops selling the game early, and the fault of expectant gamers applying moral pressure to release the game because of this.

The game will be out on the 16th. Everyone has known that for ages, if you expect it to be released earlier just because you bought a game from a shop that shouldn't be selling it, you're an idiot.

It's not Vivendi's fault that the game got released too early, but it's damn sure their fault we can't play it. If it was up to Valve, we'd be playing it right now.

Anyway, I can wait 2 more days for the game to unlock. Oh my God, is it really that close? :LOL: Amazing.
*bangs head against wall*

It is not their fault you can't play it. The only fault here is the retailers selling it early. Don't you understand simple marketing?
If it was up to Valve we'd have been playing since September 15th.
I think he said it beacause it now raises another possible delay for DNF.A publisher that refuses to launch it.(I know they will launch it in two days but you get what I mean)
GB has a notorious hatred for publishers, I wouldn't be surprised in GB is actually considering developing 3DR's own distribution system, however I'm not sure on the terms of the contract between Take Two and 3DR.
Leave the retailers out of it, no title ever keeps it's street date, why would anybody expect this to be any different?

Blindfold 8 kids and sit them in a room. Tell them that when you clap your hands in a minute's time, they have to put their hand up. Tell them that everyone except the last one to put his hand up gets a lollypop. Tell them that if somebody puts his hand up early, he misses out on the lollypop, but the race starts immediately for everyone else then and you wont bother with clapping.

How many children do you really believe will sit there for a full 60 seconds, trusting that none of the other 7 children has already got their hands up and already have their lollipops? How many children will keep waiting once they can hear another child slurping loudly on the lollipop only 10 seconds into the game?

Sell dates just cause rampant paranoia amongst retailers. Having worked in a gaming store before, I know the feeling. Nobody wants to be the first to put it out, but nobody wants to be the last either... And generally you only find out they have copies on their shelves after they'd already sold half a dozen and word has started to spread. It's not surprising that they don't trust each other to hold the date, why would they? This is why you try not to have stock arriving in stores until a day or 2 before you actually release it, to minimise the temptation break early, and to reduce the damage done when they inevitably do. Stocking stores 5 or more days in advance was plain ridiculous and anybody with any retail experience would have seen this coming a MILE away.

Vivendi knows what the retail situation is like, and as a publisher should be responsible enough not to put that sort of stress on retailers in general by asking them to trust each other even when they are bitter enemies with loyalist yet demanding customer bases.

The street date breaking so early falls squarly on Vivendi's shoulders here. Technically and Legally it falls on the retailers, but Vivendi did everything it could to bait them and ensure it would happen...
Yer well maybe everyones really now seeing how much of money-grabbing-control-freakish-conglomorating=f_ckwits this lot at VU really are....

I don't give a damn about waiting a few days but what I do give a damn about is VU consistantly making demands of Valve when they have absoloutely nothing to do with the games development and growth -....

You lot complain about no advertising right.? Well the reason there is no ad's is **** all to do with anti-piracy...its because VU can't afford any! - The Videogames industry is in a SERIOUSLY bad way - look at activision...... thats what WILL happen to VU.

Look at the promotion that Doom3 had - TV spots - Trailers and "Media Contreversy".... And Halflife2 has been trundling along in the background with literally no-one noticing .... I mean come on!!!!

Look at the game shops as well ... usually filled with big mofo cardboard cutouts and display teasers.... And what does halflife 2 get!!!

A Crummy Cardboard Display Stand.....

So my last point is this - A publisher is supposed to take care of Marketing, Shipping and Distribution....

My reckoning is that Valve spent more shipping the Gold packages ... than VU spent advertising the game.... and if anyone gets this point... they'll also understand how seriously wrong it is.!
Wesisapie said:
2 mmorpgs, a decent racing game and a possibly great game, doesnt seem like heaps of great games.

maybe because i hate mmorpgs. maybe because they are crap.
If you include HL2 and CS:S, you have six important games coming out this month, not to mention that at least four of them are long-awaited ones which will be played for many years to come.

A final note: if you think those two MMORPGs are crap, I feel sorry for your ignorance.

EDIT: of course CS:S is already out, but I'm talkin' about retail shipping.
Revenge said:
Leave the retailers out of it, no title ever keeps it's street date, why would anybody expect this to be any different?

Blindfold 8 kids and sit them in a room. Tell them that when you clap your hands in a minute's time, they have to put their hand up. Tell them that everyone except the last one to put his hand up gets a lollypop. Tell them that if somebody puts his hand up early, he misses out on the lollypop, but the race starts immediately for everyone else then and you wont bother with clapping.

How many children do you really believe will sit there for a full 60 seconds, trusting that none of the other 7 children has already got their hands up and already have their lollipops? How many children will keep waiting once they can hear another child slurping loudly on the lollipop only 10 seconds into the game?

Sell dates just cause rampant paranoia amongst retailers. Having worked in a gaming store before, I know the feeling. Nobody wants to be the first to put it out, but nobody wants to be the last either... And generally you only find out they have copies on their shelves after they'd already sold half a dozen and word has started to spread. It's not surprising that they don't trust each other to hold the date, why would they? This is why you try not to have stock arriving in stores until a day or 2 before you actually release it, to minimise the temptation break early, and to reduce the damage done when they inevitably do. Stocking stores 5 or more days in advance was plain ridiculous and anybody with any retail experience would have seen this coming a MILE away.

Vivendi knows what the retail situation is like, and as a publisher should be responsible enough not to put that sort of stress on retailers in general by asking them to trust each other even when they are bitter enemies with loyalist yet demanding customer bases.

The street date breaking so early falls squarly on Vivendi's shoulders here. Technically and Legally it falls on the retailers, but Vivendi did everything it could to bait them and ensure it would happen...

stop that BS, ever box that the retailers got had specific orders DO NOT DISPLAY until 16th, is that so hard for them to read ? and all know perfectly well the game wont be playable until 16th even if they decide to sell early so if there is anyone to blaim is all the god forsaken retailers,,, bestbuy, eb etc....