German scientists think LEDs are the new Botox


Jul 6, 2003
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Researchers in Germany are describing a potential alternative to Botox and cosmetic surgery for easing facial wrinkles. Their study reports that high intensity visible light from light emitting diodes (LEDs) applied daily for several weeks resulted in "rejuvenated skin, reduced wrinkle levels, juvenile complexion and lasting resilience."

I always enjoy the lighter side of the news.
I think I can shine some light on this article. Chances are it's fake. If you check the before and after images, the only thing that's changed is the lighting--going from a hard light to show off the wrinkles, to a soft light.
in other news, blindness among plastic surgery patients has skyrocketed to over 70 percent
Yeah whatever, Photoshop becomes real!? Increase the hue and saturation and you look 20 years younger. I don't believe this rubbish. Lets get back to injecting one of the most toxic known substances into our skin. Hell yes.
When are they going to make the healing brush and copy stamp real eh?

Lol, watch, the downside of these LED treatments is cancer ;)