germans harass libanese inmigrants....for hanging a german flag


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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Leftist anarchists in Berlin have reportedly been harassing Muslim immigrants showing their support for the German football team during the World Cup, tearing down national flags and even setting one on fire.

The leftists have been particularly aggressive in the city’s Neukölln district, home to many residents of Turkish and Arabic heritage, daily Der Tagesspiegel reported on Monday.

Here they have made a point of destroying and removing Germany flags hanging outside shops and vehicles because they believe the proud patriotism hearkens back to the ugly nationalism of the Third Reich, the paper said.

A group calling itself "Kommando Kevin-Prince Boateng" posted a notice on the website Indymedia calling on leftists to “capture” all Germany flags across the country. The name refers to the Berlin-born footballer, who is playing for Ghana at the world cup and knocked German team captain Michael Ballack out of the tournament with a brutal foul in the FA Cup final in May.

One Arab-German family has sparked their ire by hanging a giant Germany flag on their Sonnenallee building in support of the football team during the World Cup.

Ibrahim Bassal, who owns a mobile phone shop in the district, told daily Berliner Morgenpost on Saturday that since he and his cousin hoisted the flag they have had several uncomfortable encounters with the local leftists.

“During the day people from the left-wing scene come by and insult us,” Bassal said. “Am I not allowed to be proud of Germany?”

dam those neonazi.....wait a second....

Though the store owner’s entire family have been citizens for many years, the leftists believe immigrants must remain foreigners, he added.

...shouldnt it be the oposite?
So immigrants who are now German citizens aren't allowed to be patriotic because they weren't born in Germany, so the response from leftists is to burn German flags.

What? Maybe it's just this throbbing headache I have but can someone explain to me what I'm missing?
aparently burning the german flags is cuz it looks represent the third reich,cuz you know thats the flag those nazis used.....
Germans, do you always have to be extreme, no matter the subject?
Obviously the racist nutjobs are frustrated that they will no longer have an easy target to blame all their problems on once immigrants start integrating themselves into their new nation's culture.
Chicks with balaclavas, hawt.

Chicks with balaclavas, hawt.

That image makes me picture her face being hideously deformed beneath... like she has a big shallow groove running down the center of her face. An ass face of sorts.
Wow immigrants in Germany actually supporting Germany and displaying their national flag etc. I don't know why some germans have an issue with that.

I would kill for immigrants to do that here. Most immigrants here don't identify themselves as Australian and infact hate the country and refuse to integrate into Australian society.
Somewhat related to this thread:

I can't stand retards who start making fun of people cheering for a soccer team in which they aren't from. Like what? Are you not allowed to cheer for let's say the Calgary flames unless you're born in Calgary? Are you not allowed to cheer for the 49ers unless you're from San Francisco?

Seriously, people are absolutely retarded. The World Cup isn't JUST about cheering for the country you were from (if they happen to be even competing) but for the game itself and for the team with the player's you like from watching club soccer.
I would kill for immigrants to do that here. Most immigrants here don't identify themselves as Australian and infact hate the country and refuse to integrate into Australian society.

It's kind of hard when Australian society is riddled with racial stigma.
It's kind of hard when Australian society is riddled with racial stigma.

Not really.

The reason people are so against immigrants is because they refuse to intrergate.

I know tells of people born here and are citizens yet they refuse to identify themselfs as Australian, instead they identify as there parents origins. It's mainly the arabs who do it.
It must be just the area I live in, but I've never met an Australian-born citizen who didn't have to add to any topic of discussion, even ones that hold the smallest reference to a person of different origin, their hatred for "curry-munching ****s" or "****ing Boonga-****s" or (especially around surfer's paradise) "Those ****ing slope-eyed mother****ing gook-****s".

I won't start on the whoel Aboriginal thing, poor guys.

It only gets worse if they're charging head-first into binge-drinking; which is part of our culture, too.

The only person I know who isn't really racist in any form immigrated from Russia and got his citizenship during high school.

He doesn't watch rugby, he doesn't drink XXXX, he doesn't buy ecstasy tablets that police keep in rotation and spend $20 just to get into some shitty clubs, he never watches TV either.

He's so far away from the "integrated australian citizen" that you're talking about, yet I'd say he's probably contributed far more to society than all the "integrated australian citizens" that I've known throughout my life.
It must be just the area I live in, but I've never met an Australian-born citizen who didn't have to add to any topic of discussion, even ones that hold the smallest reference to a person of different origin, their hatred for "curry-munching ****s" or "****ing Boonga-****s" or (especially around surfer's paradise) "Those ****ing slope-eyed mother****ing gook-****s".

Wow, must be queenslanders then.

It only gets worse if they're charging head-first into binge-drinking; which is part of our culture, too.

Binge drinking isn't part of our culture, just because there is alot of people who do it. It's like saying cancer is part of our culture because alot of people have it.

He doesn't watch rugby, he doesn't drink XXXX, he doesn't buy ecstasy tablets that police keep in rotation and spend $20 just to get into some shitty clubs, he never watches TV either.

All the things you listed has nothing to do with the aussie culture lol. Your claiming drinking beer and taking ectasy makes you an "aussie" it certainly doesnt. I know heaps of people from different backgrounds who do what you listed, but it doesnt make them aussie and it doesnt make them fit in the aussie culture.

Go browse through the australia website, it lists our values and what our culture is.
I wish for the day Humans would stop being so divided and accept each other as another fellow human. A few years ago I remembered watching a documentary that attempted to explain the Human nature of racism. Some experts believed that despite the modern times we live in we still are clinging to some of our tribal instincts, and these instincts vary from person to person. One instinct was to be very wary of outsiders, not to trust them and to think twice before letting them integrate within the tribe or society.

I remember my dad telling me years ago, when I was still in Elementary, when he was taking a train back from Chicago he ran into an old asshole. Recognizing dad's accent, he started cursing at dad and blaming immigrants like him for ruining our nation (instead of the recklessness and mismanagement of our nation's leaders). Dad was real tempted to throw him out of the window of the moving train.
the thing is that allways heard about that whole "integration" thing in european countryes where its said that inmigrants are not integrating and such and that the goverment doesnt care probably to dont look racist

sure I would never consider myself a spaniard but wont go around saying how much the country suck cuz so far I am liking living here and will be really pissed off if I show some affection to the country and them some people harass me for doing that and I would go all like "well what the hell you wanted me to do?"
especially considering this where not neonazis
Here they have made a point of destroying and removing Germany flags hanging outside shops and vehicles because they believe the proud patriotism hearkens back to the ugly nationalism of the Third Reich, the paper said.
Does Godwin's law even exist in Germany or is it just 'on' by default?