Germany - Google Street View Shennanigans


Feb 3, 2005
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NatureMan rising from his car trunk, his dog looking at least as out of place.


A woman fakes childbirth


Google Street View on a hilarious trike with hilarious trumpets.

Three per cent of Germans - about 250,000 people - chose to opt out by having their homes blurred. But their actions reportedly sparked a backlash from anti-privacy vandals, who pelted homes in Bergerhausen, Essen, in western Germany with eggs and stuck "Google's cool" notes on their mailboxes, Deutsche Welle reported.
OK, now I've got to say something - anti-privacy? How the **** can you be anti-privacy?

Other than that, Germany sounds pretty hilarious.

Article (and more strange street view photos from around the world in an almost unusable resolution):
When does Google update images? The one pointing at my house is a few years old now.
anti-privacy vandals

Oh cool, so they wont mind if I install cammeras in their bathrooms and jack off while watching them take a shower.
Seriously, Google. This picture is like 4 years old.

Are you serious? You expect them to drive down every street in the world taking photos every six months or something? It's a free service even. Trees - for the most part - are there for a long time, or not. Who cares about what car is in the driveway. Man, I really hope you weren't serious. If not, well, you got me.

EDIT: Oh wait, oh wait. I get it. You mad because your yard was all dying and shit from the winter. You want some spring time goodness.
Are you implying they drive down every road and snap pictures? I just want something green, tbh. I hate this dead ass season.
Yeah I think they just want to do this once and be like "welp, we photographed the whole world; off to other projects!".
I don't know about "anti-privacy". I think they just egged those houses because they are part of a small enough minority to set as their "targets"

Still, I think its kind of funny when something like google earth or google street view picks up unusual things. Like this one time when a young girl was playing dead. Google caught sight of it. And hundreds of people called 911.
Judging by recent road work, the Halloween decorations, leaves all over the ground, and work done to some houses around me, I can estimate that my area was done around Halloween 2 years ago. They did not go down my neighborhood though but kept on the main road. Would be cool to see my family on the lawn forever that age on the internet. :)