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15357 said:
I'm signing up, btw, I want to hear what people like her say and think. :D

Let me save you time and trouble by giving the answer, "Terrible things."
i don't want emails from that monster to plague my inbox, so could someone post the [most] stupid things she says ? many thanks to you and your family.
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

K. I'm fine with the first two parts but the converting thing makes me go bleargh.

"When I Publish a Book That Doesn't Enrage the Left, I'll Start Worrying."

Me too.
yes, its in a book of "the world's stupidest quotes" that I have.
MiccyNarc said:
She actually said that first bit? :o

yes ..this is the full quote:

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

..and more

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building. - Ann Coulter

"When we were fighting communism, OK, they had mass murderers and gulags, but they were white men and they were sane. Now we're up against absolutely insane savages." - Ann COulter

"It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 - except Goldwater in '64 - the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted." - Ann Coulter

"I think [women] should be armed but should not vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care." - Ann Coulter

"To The People Of Islam: Just think: If we'd invaded your countries, killed your leaders and converted you to Christianity YOU'D ALL BE OPENING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS RIGHT ABOUT NOW! Merry Christmas." - Ann Coulter
CptStern said:
"I think [women] should be armed but should not vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care." - Ann Coulter

"To The People Of Islam: Just think: If we'd invaded your countries, killed your leaders and converted you to Christianity YOU'D ALL BE OPENING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS RIGHT ABOUT NOW! Merry Christmas." - Ann Coulter
anyone else think she'd be a successful comedian ?
What if she already is?

She has said in the past that she wishes she were black, jewish and gay, by the way. Just so she could **** with more people.

She is the real-world equivalent of a forum troll.
Whats with her and converting people, anyway? She seems like a normal sane and balanced person aat first sight, but then she says that.
Ann Coulter needs to be permabanned from life. I'd like to see Allah do it, just for the irony.

15357 said:
Whats with her and converting people, anyway? She seems like a normal sane and balanced person aat first sight, but then she says that.
Ann Coulter? Normal, sane, and balanced!? You are a scary... scary... person.
She's about as "balanced" as...

gah. Nothing in existance can describe just how far from "balanced" she is. OOH!

She's as "balanced" as Stephen Hawking on rollerblades! F*ck yes!
I forget who it was who said it, but it was on this forum. They said that Ann Coulter made a career out of annoying and pissing people off. She's basically Crazy Frog.
Has she ever even heard of human rights? I don't think she should be allowed to live.
I don't think Hitler ever used the word Liberals. That's a "derogatory" which I've only really seen in American politics (and seemingly starting to infect UK politics).

Hmm, maybe he did though...
i hope she dies in a freak accident involving fire or sharp things.
Have you guys noticed her face? There´s something disturbingly diabolical about it...
evil^milk said:
Have you guys noticed her face? There´s something disturbingly diabolical about it...

Yes... I have noticed this...

Narcolepsy said:
Ann Coulter needs to be permabanned from life. I'd like to see Allah do it, just for the irony.

Ann Coulter? Normal, sane, and balanced!? You are a scary... scary... person.

I mean when you look at her.