Get out of the water NOW!

Graphics and animations look complete shit.

And the gameplay looks boring and repetitive.

Controls look like crap too. Especially the part when it's in first person mode. Joysticks ftl...

No surprise.
but you get to eat people ..havent you ever wated to rip some guys leg off before you eat him for breakfast?
The fact that I get to be a shark and **** people's days up is worth at least a rental.
but you get to eat people ..havent you ever wated to rip some guys leg off before you eat him
Err, stern Im begining to wonder about you now. :)

But seriously, my eyes feel violated after watching that clip.
There's something very wrong about the clean "cartoony"
style theyve gone for.

Cheap n nasty.
I think the animations on the shark look pretty good. Everything else looks sucky. Contols seem to be hard, the user had to take at least 3 attempts to eat anybody :D

And how much blood did they wanna put in the first guy he ate? The whole body of water turned to blood :D
ya I agree cheap thrills without the real horror ..where's the moonlight swim; naked lovers embracing before the jaws of death rushes up to greet them in a shower of crimson and foam

/me wipes blood from chin

Yeah, the people involved with this project should be sacked. Then they need to be forced to go back to school to learn what it means to create good games....
Wow, holy shit that looks terrible; and I don't mean in an "ooh violence is bad" sort of way.
I was wondering who you would have to defend against, then I saw the orca. Outside of that, it's just a gory game with apparently lousy controls. Maybe they left something out? The fact that you chewed the orca in half by rocketing out of the water with it in your jaws, then watched the bloody front half drop down (combined with the overkill of just plain chewing people up) makes me think this game's only intended selling point is just that: you get to chew people up. None for me, thanks - I don't even like the fact that as the alien in AVP2, you have to eat people for health. I'll usually die first and start over.
That looks liek the most boring game of all time...Retarded.
Game will probably suck, but ripping Shamu in half was a nice touch...
I liked the echo games so i'll more than likely enjoy this, it looks like serious mindless fun :)
Echo the dolphin were some AWESOME and difficult games.
Adabiviak said:
I don't even like the fact that as the alien in AVP2, you have to eat people for health. I'll usually die first and start over.

Ah yes, but the Alien was good fun. Besides, the LAN game for AVP2 is great. Nothing like giving your friends a face full of alien wang :D
I agree with the cartoony style being out of place. They should've gone with a darker, more realistic feel. However; I've been keeping an eye on this game for a good while, and it looked a hell of a lot worse back then, so I was pleasantly surprised by the graphics in this trailer. They look cleaner, in a good way. Less jaggies, and the water doesn't look like utter crap anymore (and the shark actually looks wet when viewed from above the surface!).

Having said that, games in which you get to play as a shark are so rare that I'll probably pick it up. Like Stern I'm oddly attracted to the prospect of biting peoples' legs off, or grabbing them in my mouth and hearing them scream underwater.
That looked retarded.

The shark animations are nice though.

Mad Shark... a flash substitute of Jaws.
haha, i like this kind of game

i've laughed to death when he ripped off the dolphen
Looks like total shit, I can only hope the Heat and Reservoir Dogs games aren't that bad


Reservoir Dogs looks like shit


nice, these type of games become boring after 30mins...........
That looked bloody awful. Now that someone mentions Ecco the Dolphin, didn't the last Ecco game, now years old, look better than this?
No wonder the controls look like crap. It's probably demonstrating the PC version of the game. Saw no problems with the controls on the PS2 and Xbox videos. Just hope it doesn't suck.
Dalamari said:
Looks like total shit, I can only hope the Heat and Reservoir Dogs games aren't that bad


Reservoir Dogs looks like shit


That looks like it's a modification of Mafia.
Well I think itll be cool ^^
Only as a light entertainment game though
Mechagodzilla said:

Conclusion: Get out of the water more like get out of the gaming industry.

:laugh: LOL seconded and turded.
Looks like Grand Theft Oceanic.

I don't see why people are giving it such a hard time. There are crappier games out there that deserve ridicule. I feel bad for the developers here... its not like it is a big rigs.