Get the scene manager now! Whatever it is....


Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
I dont know if this has been found yet, but if create a shortcut to scenemanager.exe in your sourcesdk/bin folder, and give it the param
-game X:\Steam\SteamApps\email\sourcesdk\launcher
then you can run it now :cheese:

I have absolutly no idea what scenemanager DOES, but it might be usefull to sombody....
well i don't have the game yet, but the scene manager is one of the things i'm most interested in! When I get the game on Tuesday I reckon it will be unlocked, but good to know!
What is the scenemanager exactly? I can't figure it out...
Isn't the scenemanager for making dialog and interactions between models?
yeah, it will let us place cameras and record high-quality movies.. ever heard of machinima? it's the process of making movies with video games.. pretty cool.. and this game is where it's all coming together!! :bounce:
I want to use my time machine to warp ahead in the future to tuesday so i can get this game even sooner and play around with all of these cool tools.

Only problem is I have a bunch of work to do on monday, and I don't think I can sleep that long :P
Weird, it seems to have stopped working o_0

It just says 'Can't setup path, set VPROJECT to your game directory'. Looks like valve killed it in the last update :(