Getting a new graphics card. Which one of these is better?


Jul 14, 2003
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Well, darn. Then I gotta find a new computer store that has it in stock.
If possible, is there any graphics card in the same money region that's potentially better?

This card costs 2300SEK, that's aproximately $300.

Anyone knowing of a computer store having it in stock, I would really like to know.
The X1950Pro is the best bang-for-bucks card you can get ;)
I'd look at getting a new mobo honestly.

I'd recommend doing just that. Go to newegg and buy a new motherboard with PCI-E for 50 bucks. It would have a substantial performance increase over AGP. (Along with the PCI-E card)
buy a new mobo and wait for new dx10 cards to come out fully
Okey, I've decided to get one of those Demo mobos, making them cheap. Let's hope the drivers I'm downloading are gonna work for it, because they won't come along with the product.
eh, cheaping out on a mobo is a bad move, too. I myself have owned some 50 dollar mobos, and they just die. Also, the performance is crappy. I wouldnt spend less than $90 on a motherboard, trust me.

If you can't get a decent mobo with a decent PCI-E card, I'd say just get the ati agp card, or save up your money and not get anything at all until you can afford an entire new system.