Getting a new video card- x800 or 6600GT?

Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
My old 9600xt is on its last legs and its time for an upgrade. I'm on a budget, so I'm looking to spend between $120 and $160 usd. So far there are two cards that have caught my eye- the MSI RX800-TD128E Radeon X800 ($150 usd after mail-in rebate) and the GIGABYTE GV-NX66T128D Geforce 6600GT ($160 usd after mail-in rebate). I plan on playing games like Half-Life 2, Battlefield 2, F.E.A.R, Supreme Commander and possibly by some kind of miracle HL2: lost coast and Unreal Tournament 2007 :o.
So do any of you *cough*geeks*cough* smart computer guys know which one is best? Thanks in advance. :)

And don't turn this into an ATI vs Nvidia flame-war! They are both better than Intel, lets just leave it at that.

*EDIT* oops, that old 6600GT was for agp slots... :angel:
Neither will play Lost Coast or UT2007. I dunno about SupComm.

But for HL2 / Doom3 era games, 6600gt over the x800.
I can already play HL2 / Doom3 on my 9600 XT. What I'm interested in is F.E.A.R and Battlefield 2, I'm really looking forward to playing those. Also, I just realized that the X800 is 256-bit while the 6600GT is only 128-bit... Is the 6600GT really all that better?
If you really want decent performance I'd say just wait a little and get a vanilla 6800 or 6800gt - they're not too expensive (not too sure about us money but maybe $200 or so) and will drop in price even more with the new ati cards /7800gt etc comming out.

In the long run you'd be saving money because even the 6600gt wont take you that far and you'd have to upgrade again.
By the way, both of those cards you linked are PCI-Express, not AGP. If you have a 9600xt, I'm guessing you don't have AGP.
I recommend 6600GT, I run FEAR on medium with it and same with BF2.
If I had to pick between the 6600GT and the X800 then I would probably pick the X800 card. But it depends on the games you want to play.
The X800 would do better in HL2 and Battlefield2 games while the 6600GT would do better in FEAR and Doom3.

If I were you, I would wait for a deal on a 6800.