Getting an electric bass soon...


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone have any suggestions about... well, anything to do with a bass guitar?

I'm thinking of getting the Fender Bass Pak, since a) I'm lacking in the monetary department, and b) it comes with everything I need. But I'm wondering if it might be a better investment to buy the guitar/amp/strap separately.

And I have at least a bit of guitar experience. I've played on-and-off (mostly off) on the guitar for the past year or so, and can handle power chords, a few basic chords, and some simple solos. I know how to hammer-on, pull off, slide, and palm mute. Also, my fingers are a little short IMO.

Is there any chance of me becoming at least a decent bassist? Even with my stubby little fingers? :p
If you know the basics of hammer-on's, slides, mutes, etc etc, then yes, I don't see why not. The only things stopping anyone one from becoming a decent muscian is either not practicing, not caring or not bothering. Of course, its not going to be a bam! You're a good bassist after you;re first tab! kind of thing, and it'd take a hella long time to come to standards of people like Tony Levin, Chris Squire or Les Claypool, but you'll still be a good musician, sure.

I'm currently learning tapping at the moment. Then Metropolis Pt 1 by Dream Theater will sound perfect.

EDIT: Plus, guitar experience is also good.

EDIT2: I hope to get a Fender Precision bass sometime. Pink Floyd will sound perfect then. :D
The bass paks usually are crappy and sound like poop. If you dont have decent equipment your push to play weekly will be reduced severely. Ive played bass for 3 years I have a bass that was made in 1989 by Charvel it has active pickups sounds like a dream. Ive played some bass paks before and theyre really annoying sometimes. My advice would be to goto the music store find the bass you like , but isnt to steep in price (200 and below is good). After you play for a while youll find out what sound you like an so on.

Buy it call around for a cheap amp, or pa system you can plug into and youll be set.

Thats for if you seriously want to get into bass like you want to learn how to read music learn some jazz scales regular scales (majors, arpeggios, pentatonics)
But if you just do it to do it to look cool or be in some garage band the bass pak might be for you.
My first bass was a Ibanez GSR200, which was a pretty good bass. Ibanez are good for standard, 'just starting' stuff, I'd say. Unless its one of those high end ones or something. Whatever.
Practice Practice. My mate had his guitar for a year and practices like once every 2 weeks, and he is crap w/o being nasty. I've been playing for less then a year yet I practice everyday for about 2 hours in total and I can play various stuff like Metallica, Slayer and some slow songs aswell.

Proof that the more you practice, the better you become :)
I play the bass in a garage band, and I love it.

I high suggest NOT getting a starting pack. Get a nice bass (I like Washburn) and a 60-100 watt amp. And don't forget the essential tuner, strap, and cords.
Well, the thing is, I'm on a fairly tight budget as far as purchasing a bass goes. I also want one ASAP, as I want to actually get started on this before I say to myself, "Screw it, I'll buy an Xbox360 instead."

How much are tuners, regularly?
like tuners usually go 15 dollars and upward i got a tuner that tunes by vibration my friend got me for about 50 after a while youll be able ot tune by ear so dont shell out alot of money unless you plan on playing with a piano or changing your tuning alot

you can probably just go ahead and get a bass starter pak just remember we warned you.. and also it would probably be better to get the ibanez starter pack as the bass they give you to start with isnt too too bad unlike fender
Stigmata said:
Well, the thing is, I'm on a fairly tight budget as far as purchasing a bass goes. I also want one ASAP, as I want to actually get started on this before I say to myself, "Screw it, I'll buy an Xbox360 instead."

How much are tuners, regularly?

I've turned myself away from consoles, I think they are pointless when the only game I have played this year is HL2 and CSS.

If you get a starter pack you will feel disappointed further down the line and you will wish you bought a better one.
If you can afford one, get a Washburn Taurus. They are bea-utiful.