getting half life source



ok I bought the bronze pack- now I want hl source!
is there any way of getting it without buying a whole now halflife cd and reinstalling everything?
You know, usually whenever this tye of question is asked some half-life trivia master will come out of the woodwork and quote gabe newell or somthing. are you guys saying no one has a clue? it seems like a pretty glaring question. As for hl:s being
"worth-it" I want to hear someone who has ACTUALLY PLAYED IT tell me that, untill then I will assume it's worth playing. Besides, I'm itching for more source engine single player. I'm not gonna wait a year and half for someone in the mod community to come up with their own version of things because one 1) it will take too long AND it will be buggy and 2) there is a certain "somthing" about somthing valve has made. Other people just arn't able to infuseit with that "valveness" - valve (atleast to me) produces a level of grittiness/edginess/depth unmatched by any SP mod I've ever played.
ordog said:
As for hl:s being
"worth-it" I want to hear someone who has ACTUALLY PLAYED IT tell me that...
I have it. I've played it. It's not worth it.
Everything is exactly the same except the water effects and it has some source physics. If you've already played HL then you really shouldent worry about it.
WhiteZero said:
I have it. I've played it. It's not worth it.
Everything is exactly the same except the water effects and it has some source physics. If you've already played HL then you really shouldent worry about it.
There's more of a difference than just "water effects and some source physics" in HL: S :rolleyes:
Wester547 said:
There's more of a difference than just "water effects and some source physics" in HL: S :rolleyes:

Okay maybe the cliff map, but that's not really that great.
Wester547 said:
There's more of a difference than just "water effects and some source physics" in HL: S :rolleyes:
Nothing really worth mentioning.
There's now 3D Skyboxes instead of crappy old 16-bit skewed and stretched bitmaps used, you now have dynamic soft render-to-texture shadows and better dynamic shadow map based lighting, some surfaces (and pipes) now look specular [shiny], reflections are more realistic, those are worth mentioning.

Oh and plenty of bugs were sorted out found in the old Quake 1.5 engine powered HL version.
Wow still the same exact models and weapon models
Wester547 said:
Oh and plenty of bugs were sorted out found in the old Quake 1.5 engine powered HL version.
Is that really suprising?
I couldn't care less about HL:S, but I do want DOD:S when it comes out. Hopefully I'll be able to pay the $10 to upgrade, because it's not worth much more than that.
jerin222 said:
HL: Source is waste of time.

I'm trying to figure out why people would want to buy the same game again....
It's the exact same game with some minor differences but for the most part its the same story, same game, not worth 50 bucks. Buy some other game thats worth your time.
Actually, technically speaking HL: Source is $5, as DOD: S is.
So is CS: S if I'm not mistaking.
Well, it's not free, but it's included with HL2. Free is when you get something without paying anything for it :p .
Ok then, tell me whats not free, I'm not contridicting you. I'm just going off what I understand and have been hearing
all i have to say is that HL:S is the exact same game as

Half Life with the high res addon pack
+ fancy water effects
+ source engine
- your hard earned money
Bottom Line: less than $5
all i have to say is that HL:S is the exact same game as

Half Life with the high res addon pack
+ fancy water effects
+ source engine
- your hard earned money
You forgot:

+ Havoc ragdoll physics
+ 3D Skyboxes
+ Better lighting and shadows
+ Specularity on environment
+ Cleaned up sounds, bugs, textures, etc
+ Some content that is reasonable in places brought over from HL2 and replaced
+ New interface / menus with real-time backgrounds of certain in-game maps
+ Etc
- No support for custom mods
- No multiplayer support
- Extremely limited and expensive availability

You forgot:

+ Havoc ragdoll physics
+ 3D Skyboxes
+ Better lighting and shadows
+ Specularity on environment
+ Cleaned up sounds, bugs, textures, etc
+ Some content that is reasonable in places brought over from HL2 and replaced
+ New interface / menus with real-time backgrounds of certain in-game maps
+ Etc
- No support for custom mods
- No multiplayer support
- Extremely limited and expensive availability

I am so sorry for my post being extremely subpar. What would I do without you? :devil:
Hey, all. I'm kinda new here, so if I'm asking something that's already been answered, bear with me. I really HAVE tried looking for the answer, but I know how irritating new people asking the same question over and over again are. The above discussion seems to have answered most of my questions concerning HL:S, but I was just wondering whether it's possible to get Blue Shift or Opposing Force ports somewhere, without having to pay 80+$ for them. I already have HL2, so buying the gold package would be a bit silly I believe. And since I'm from a Third World country (Poland), getting BS and OpFor is difficult, since a) they came out only as a part of the Generations (or whatever) package with the original HL and b) that was sold out a long time ago. By the time it came out I already had HL, so I didn't buy it, and now there's no way of getting at them:( Help, anyone??
Wester547 said:
You forgot:

+ Havoc ragdoll physics
+ 3D Skyboxes
+ Better lighting and shadows
+ Specularity on environment
+ Cleaned up sounds, bugs, textures, etc
+ Some content that is reasonable in places brought over from HL2 and replaced
+ New interface / menus with real-time backgrounds of certain in-game maps
+ Etc
- No support for custom mods
- No multiplayer support
- Extremely limited and expensive availability


You forgot:

-same models as HL1 (not even HD pack ones)
-same weapon models as HL1 (not HD)
-same geometry/level design as HL1
-almost all of the textures are still straight ported over to HL source and still look horrible
The graphics of the original Half Life are or should I say WERE good for its time being 6 years ago, but now are needed for a total rehaul of graphics. Sadly, Valve did not do this, kinda sucks.

Half Life graphics suck
Games like Natural-Selection look pretty good still for running on the HL engine. Some brilliant textures.
Well, considering when the HL engine was good for its time. I was at that age "too young" to experience the game. But I'll take your word for it.
Zeus said:
You forgot:

-same models as HL1 (not even HD pack ones)
-same weapon models as HL1 (not HD)
-same geometry/level design as HL1
-almost all of the textures are still straight ported over to HL source and still look horrible
You forgot:

+Detail textures

AND, you forgot somthing else.......

probably like theres one more pixel than before, or barney turns out to be homosexual haha that'd be funny
Yeah - why didn't they write a brand new Half-Life with a new cast of characters and locations? After a big accident at the sausage factory - Pete Davis takes on the porcupines with the help of his trusty sidekick, Daisy.
WhiteZero said:
I have it. I've played it. It's not worth it.
Everything is exactly the same except the water effects and it has some source physics. If you've already played HL then you really shouldent worry about it.

What about the models? Does the G-Man look like the HL2 Gman? Do the corpses act like they do in HL2? How about objects like barrels and things?
i have HL:S and i really like it. iv played through hl like a dozen times but i wanted to play again. all the models are all the same
but now metal surfaces have specularity and some areas have the Phys, the ragdolls are fun and u can now see bullets holes on the models. things like turents now have phys on them so thats cool. if you wanna replay the game, i'd say its worth it i really like it.
In, my opinion, theres not much of a difference between HL and HL:S. I mean, same game, same people, whoop di freakin doo. Only thing that is different really is the textures some graphics, you can have more than one civi at a time, and some other minor things, although theres probably more I havn't played and probably won't waste the money or the time to play HL again.
The only to get it would be to download it.

Slight problem is, I can't get it to work. Anyone?

(And no, don't moan at me. I mean your saying it sucks and theres no way to buy it.)
a question from someone who has never played HL1, is it worth d/l the source version over going to the bargain bin at the local game store to fill in the gaps in the story?