When I try to join a server via the GUI list by double clicking on it, I get a new box with the join game, latency and other stuff. I press Join Game about 20 times, watch the latency go up to 2000, and can still not join the game. I mostly end up quitting STEAM, re-opening it, and then I can (sometimes) join a server. I have an XP2400 with 768RAM, 128 MB ATI vid card and comcast as my cable provider. I reach the internet via a Netgear Firewall/Router Box. It is interesting that this happened before HL2 came out. I am thinking it is a problem with Steam, but I am not sure. Let me know your thoughts... (about this problem, not about life in general)
When I try to join a server via the GUI list by double clicking on it, I get a new box with the join game, latency and other stuff. I press Join Game about 20 times, watch the latency go up to 2000, and can still not join the game. I mostly end up quitting STEAM, re-opening it, and then I can (sometimes) join a server. I have an XP2400 with 768RAM, 128 MB ATI vid card and comcast as my cable provider. I reach the internet via a Netgear Firewall/Router Box. It is interesting that this happened before HL2 came out. I am thinking it is a problem with Steam, but I am not sure. Let me know your thoughts... (about this problem, not about life in general)