Getting my wisdom teeth out in a few hours...


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone else got theirs out?... Is it painful after the anesthesia wears off?
How about getting the stitches out? :O

After I get home, I can't wait to play BF2 while high :D
Wait, I thought the stitches dissolve.....
15357 said:
Wait, I thought the stitches dissolve.....
Stitches, sutures whatever you want to call them.

My doctor says they get taken out.
Depends what kind of stitches you use.

I imagine it's pretty uncomfortable.

I have 2 more wisdom teeth than the average person! :O
My wisdom teeth are poking through but they're not painful so I'm just going to leave 'em there.
Mine aren't painful either, but they're coming in at such an awkward angle that they need to come out or else they'll make my jaw fubar.
It depends on how your wisdom teeth are. My top two were protruding like normal teeth, and they were taken out with no problems. They either give you some shots in your gums or tuck these anesthetic-gel-covered metal sticks around the teeth (or both, that's what they did for me), and then they pull them out. You'll feel pressure, but no pain. In fact when they were pulling mine out, I helped by twisting my head opposite how they were pulling so that the teeth could be wrenched out. Painless procedure. I also didn't get any stitches.

My bottom two wisdom teeth are underneath my gums, however, and will require surgery. I haven't gotten them done yet (don't know when I will, either, since they're not really bothering me and I don't have a dental plan right now), so I can't comment on how painful that would be. I'd imagine it wouldn't be painful either, though.
Oh dear...

I sure hope I get put under, not just numbing.

Both of my sets are still under the gum.
Because they should be poking out like this | but instead they're coming out like this __
Oh man, if your experience is anything like mine was I pity you. I had all four removed at one time. They were all impacted below the surface. I think my oral surgeon got his degree out of a cracker jack box. He hacked me up. I couldn't eat a steak for over a month. To top it off, my mom wouldn't let me take my pain medication either because she though I'd get hooked on them. What a miserable month that was. God that had to have been about 7 or 8 years ago now. Seems like yesterday.

Good luck. Hopefully your oral surgeon is competent.
Lol I actually feel sorry for you :D
They put you under, you wake up and it's like nothing even happened

No pain, you're dizzy for about 30 mins, and then your back to normal
Damn in the UK they don't remove 'em anymore, not unless they are going to cause damage to other teeth. I was told it's because they can severe a nerve and you can loose feeling in your mouth, which would be nasty.
The ones that come up last, in your teen years.

At the back of your mouth. The 8th tooth.
hm, i dont think getting that removed is much of a korean thing, so i dont expect anything to happen.
I was put asleep. wasn't that bad.

Only pain I remember was when I got home the pills weren't really working and I was in some "mild" pain, so I went to sleep. Seemed to work.

Also I don't think I ever got my stitches out...they just...went away I think. However about a week later one of my cheeks got all swolen again and I had to get it drained. It didn't hurt, did kind of suck.
I had all 4 wisdom teeth extracted around a year or two ago, the removal process itself was practically pain-free as they numb your mouth up really well, it only aches slightly when they are twisting the tooth to remove it fully. I had it very badly as a few had split into pieces, so they had to remove the pieces of broken tooth individually!

It will bleed like hell for awhile but they give you loads of gauge to stuff in the sockets, they should also give you some really strong painkillers to take over a few days or so.

Good luck anyway, it isn't pleasant but theres very little pain involved in the end so you'll pull through! :D

How I doth chortle at ones self
Drugs are the answer to everything. What a nice message to send to the youth of today.
PsychoFreak said:
Drugs are the answer to everything. What a nice message to send to the youth of today.
Yeah damn all of those people who are in pain or terminally ill, those junky bastards! Heathens! REPENT!!!!
I'm lucky. I'm 16, and there's like a 95% chance that I don't even have wisdom teeth. Woo.
WEll I got back and I feel rreally dizzty right now so i'm probably goin to bed andd hopes the blood doesnt get on my pillow.
will tallk more about it after my sleep..
I had 4 teeth pulled out. The first time, when they took the first two, they didn't get me enough anaesthetic. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced.
**** **** **** **** **** ****!

It hurts so damn much right now, My mother went out to get me the painkillers, I wish she'd hurry the ****, god damn it all! >.<
quit whining, it isnt that bad. i remember being fully awake after the anesthesia had worn off on the ride home and i also remember stopping and getting a milkshake. the only painful part was when i tried to use the straw on the thick milkshake!

just get used to soup, smoothies, milkshakes, pudding, jello, etc. they are very good :D. i do remember taking all my painkillers... i didnt really need them, but used them anyway.

i got 4 taken out, all beneath the jaw tissue. luckily they put me fully under to do it. if it hurts now lucid it wont hurt in a few days, but they will be swollen. just pop some PK's and go to sleep for a day.
xlucidx said:
Oh dear...

I sure hope I get put under, not just numbing.

Both of my sets are still under the gum.
Because they should be poking out like this | but instead they're coming out like this __
Why? Numbing is funner plus not as scared to die if your aneasthelologist (sp?) makes a mistake.

Devvo said:
Damn in the UK they don't remove 'em anymore, not unless they are going to cause damage to other teeth. I was told it's because they can severe a nerve and you can loose feeling in your mouth, which would be nasty.
I guess there's an explanation to every stereotype. LOL.

Just kidding. ..I guess.