GF4 - mx v. ti


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm speaking of the 64mb versions of each series, what's the speed difference? I know MX is the slower of the two but how much faster is a Ti? I'm only asking because my MX fuxxed up and I might be getting a Ti as a replacement coz they keep mucking me round and sending back faulty parts. Not definite but hey I got my fingers crossed.
A lot of people say the MX isnt worth it.. for any of the new stuff I'd have to agree, though if your not fussed about DX9 then I still think their an ok card.. If you can try get a better version though, or even jump ship and go for ATI.. If you plan on seeing HL2 and the others at their best, I'd deffinately recommend saving up and getting a new top of the range card
The G4MX isnt a G4 at all, that's why its not worth it. Its actually a G2+.
It SEVERLY lacks in the technical department compared to the G4Ti. Get a Ti if your getting a G4!!!
But of course, you would get roughly equal speeds with getting a 9600Pro/XT, at roughly equal costs, but with much greater quality in modern games (cant really say greater speed, as the G4Ti cards are fast at what they can run).
if ur on a low budget and want fancy features and graphics then try the ati radeon 9600 pro 128mb. im not sure how much it is in dolloos but in the uk u can get one for about £150 and i suspect its about the same amount in america. but if the 9600 is out of ur range the id go for the G4ti. hope it helped
Dont get an MX ever, please, I warn you now.
If you guys actually read my post you'd know I already have an MX

I'm only asking because my MX fuxxed up and I might be getting a Ti as a replacement

:P Anywho I'm not thinking of buying any new parts any time soon, if the replacement comes thru (hopefully tomorrow) I'll noticfy you guys if it's a Ti or if they just replaced the MX. Anyway if I was I'd safe up for a ATi, GeForce is good but it aint the greatest in terms of performance and some bugs I get. Thanks anyway guys, and MX haters I kinda agree but for what it cost me it's a great card, it runs all the games I play excellently.
I got a Geforce2 MX 400 2 years ago.. now it haunts me in my dreams telling me "No HL2 for you..."
Never buy a MX product... You may never get it off your back..
ive been saving for a 9800 series for 3 months now...the 2 geForce MX's in my two computers laugh at me, while i try to save my petty cash
MX cards (before the FX series) were the big embarresment for nVidia. They are horrible as cards go. If you can get the Ti, get it. If you cna get a 9600pro, that's even better.
i have a mx 440 my laptop ;)
get a Ti, youll be happier. i have one in my desktop, but im probally gonna get a better card next year :D. save your money would be the best option if you dont need your better graphics now ;)
I'm lookin' to sell my old Ti4200 w/AGP 8x :). Anybody? Hehe